View Full Version : Nonsense inner dialogue / chatter

07-09-14, 20:44
Does anybody else get this when they're particularly anxious? It's like very small snatches of background nonsense created by your subconscious that come out of nowhere, usually indistinct chatter. I imagine it's created by my OCD tendencies (I also have music running through my head most of the time) but it makes me nervous because I'm particularly fearful of developing schizophrenia. It doesn't tend to be present when I'm busy or not focusing on my mind.

07-09-14, 20:52
Yeah, I get this when I'm anxious. It's annoying but it's just thoughts going through your mind. If you look into mindfulness, it can be helpful.

08-09-14, 10:56
Yes, very much so. Very normal, just a tired out mind. Let it do its thing and chatter away.

10-09-14, 00:02
I should note that they're not cohesive thoughts or words, rather indistinct snatches, sometimes in a familiar voice (from a show or film I enjoy) just beneath the surface. They usually last for a couple of seconds. Is this normal? I can't seem to find much about it on Google which is just worrying me even more.

10-09-14, 00:27
I was afraid of becoming schizophrenic until I did the online test on the Embarrassing Bodies website. It put my mind at rest. Give it a try

10-09-14, 17:33
Yes, still fine. Just familiar sounds, syllables, intonations repeating in your mind more audibly than they would normally. Passing the sane test :)
Remember that if you can isolate this symptom and know it's odd it just goes to show your sanity is very intact.