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View Full Version : i feel like giving up

07-09-14, 21:52
I havent posted here for a while but really need some help. I am frightened to death that im going to die soon! All year ive been getting recurring infections mostly dental an sinus relateIm suffering with the most awful headaches an have been for. 4 months now i have my first neurology appointment next monday i am petrified of this as im sure theyre gonna spot something bad. I get blurred vision ( yep ive been the opticians) i get a awful taste an smell sometimes in my nose an mouth i get dizzy an im constantly exhausted. Iget palpatations daily which get worse when ive eaten too.does this all sound like anxiety to anyone outthere ive also had 6 lots of antibiotics this year . Plz help x

07-09-14, 22:02
One thing you may find is common with health anxiety suffers like us is that pretty much every single time we have some kind of test done, they all come back normal. I'm really confident that the same thing will apply to you too! You said you went to the opticians too, did the test come back clear? As for your other symptoms, understand that anxiety can cause a TON of physical symptoms. There is actually a list of over 100 symptoms here (http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php?topic=17050.0) that anxiety can cause.

If it makes you feel any better, think about this: I've been to the doctor's six times because I kept thinking I had a brain tumor, and every single one of them said that there's no way I have one. Think about it... Six doctors.

Health anxiety is a b***h to get through, but you can do it! Just remain confident!

07-09-14, 23:11
Hey Paula.

If you feel like giving up, here's a little tip. Take a piece of paper or a notebook and split into two sections. In the first column write down what you think is wrong with you. Then in the second, write down what is really going on. Whatever the symptom is, did you know that it's anxiety related? If your tests have not shown any thing untoward, did you know you're going to be fine? Then on the back, write some statements about yourself e.g. A lovely home, a body working as it should ( believe it or not anxiety is your body's way of protecting itself) etc. when you read the list back you'll realise a) you've distrActed your attention for about 15 minutes and b) you are worth a lot and you are too precious to let anxiety beat you. I've been there, wanting it all to stop, just praying for it to go. It will get better. As my mum says, after every storm comes the sun xxx

08-09-14, 11:02
Omg just read through them 100 symptoms think I have at least 99 of them xxxxx