View Full Version : my mind trying to convince me im dying

08-09-14, 09:31
hi everyone hope you are all well

iv had palpatations for the past week
i sufered svt in the past but i cant take propananol because im astmatic
i went to se emy gp but she wouldnt even look into the cause of sudden palpatations all day because she knows i suffer from aniexty
in the past i have had ecgs and holter for dvt diagnosis

im convinced im ignoring something i shouldnt and i will suddenly die
i have a pact with myself to not run to a and e as i went threw a bad time earlier in the yr and was literally there everyday and it just made me worse
iv told myself il only go if someone else thinks i need to or i collapse but i can feel the urge to go so bad at the moment

08-09-14, 10:52
I feel your fear I sit here fearing same thing every day it wears me out I do not go to a&e or doctors as they no I am suffer of anxiety panic and now bad agraphobia my world just getting smaller yet I am just as scared sat here sorry I am no help just wanted to say I share yr fear with you xxxx