View Full Version : Anyone taken steroids with health anxiety?

08-09-14, 09:32

I have HA and I'm due to start a course of steroids - prednisone/prednisolone in a few weeks for fertility treatment. It will be a fairly low dose (lower than 40mg)... however, I've read that the side effects are common and psychological (insomnia, anxiety, sensory overload, psychosis...)

I'm quite sensitive to certain medications - I've had a weird psycological reaction to an anti-spasmodic for example. I'm also likely to be extremely sensitive to anti-psychotics (never taken them but I'm super sensitive to another neuroleptic - metaclopraminde - used for nausea that works in a similar way to antipsyhcotics).

I'm nervous about taking these steroids, has anyone taken them and had side effects or been fine?

I wonder if already having anxiety makes the chances of psych symptoms more likely...?

Space xxx

08-09-14, 13:15
I just posted about this a few weeks ago.. I was on 10 mg for five days. I felt more anxious and also had insomnia. I also got hot flashes in my face and body. That all went away a few days after I stopped. Everybody is different though!

08-09-14, 14:04
Yes I just came off a booster pack for my back, started at 60mgs and wined down to 10. I noticed a bit more anxiety, muscle twitching but other than that, it was fine.

---------- Post added at 13:04 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ----------

Oh and a bit trouble sleeping too... But a xanax helped with that.

08-09-14, 14:21
Thank you for the replies. It doesn't sound like a walk in the park, but if the benefits outweigh the risks...

I think I would have to be on them for a minimum of 2 weeks :(

Nervous already!

08-09-14, 14:27
I've heard it is worth the benefits. It didn't solve my issue, but for lots of people it is a miracle drug and worth the side effects! Some people don't have any side effects at all.

08-09-14, 15:24
The effects really weren't that bad, seriously. I am so glad I took them, they made it so much easier to me to recover from my injury!

08-09-14, 15:54
I take steroids all the time ( prednisolone) because I have chronic brittle asthma which they think is now enphesema . Also take quitiapine and not had any problems , saying that if you have trouble sleeping steroids will make that worse

08-09-14, 15:56
I just had to take a low dose course of steroids for a sinus infection. I did find I was having nightmares but otherwise they didn't do anything to make me feel any different.

09-09-14, 18:18
Ok, So I should be prepared to have *some* insomnia/nightmares and perhaps some anxiety or nervousness... but they're not THAT bad.

OK, that makes me feel better... I was worried that having anxiety would make me more likely to react in a bad way (like psychosis)... but obvs not the case for you guys.


09-09-14, 18:59
They don't give me insomnia but my friend when she's been on them doesn't sleep well , only side effect I get is being really hungry, in the past I've had intravenous steroids they make you really hungry I could have eaten the bed pillow lol

09-09-14, 19:06
Cags - that's not good - I already eat masses!!!!! :D

09-09-14, 19:21
Me too :ohmy: x

09-09-14, 19:57
My appetite didn't go up at all, I think its more so if you are on it longer term that you have to worry about water gain and increased hunger, I didn't have either with my booster pack.

10-09-14, 13:08
I'm on them for months at a time I think short courses you don't get the side effects to bad

16-11-14, 14:04
So I'm taking them in a couple of weeks... Prednisone 25mg... So nervous already! Anyone else got any positive stories?

So worried about psychosis!
