View Full Version : Terrified of flying due to panic attacks

08-09-14, 12:48
Hi everyone I saw this site and I need some advice 15 years ago I walked off a plane because I had a severe panic attack which I have suffered with for years anyway since this I've never flown again because that's what panic attacks do to you make you stay away from a situation that you know could trigger one !
Years I've sat and watched family and friends go away and now I've taken the plunge and I've booked to go away as I now understand panic attacks slot more so this is my last thing I need to take on.
I'm going with my family 6 of us and they all know about my panic attacks which over the years I've become to handle a lot more also had agoraphobia which I got over without meds ! So I know I've over come a lot ...
I've been to docs and got 2mg of diazepan because my fear is having a panic attack and wanting to get off (because that's what you do when you panic you wants to get out the situation your in) obviously I won't be able to get off I want to go on holiday ! How should I take the diazepan as I'm anti pills and I don't want to feel out of it as bring in control is what I need to be ! Please adviser as I know I'm anxious already About this flight xx

08-09-14, 15:13
To be honest I think only you can decide what you fear more - having a panic attack or taking the pills and then act accordingly.

I've not taken medication but 2mg sounds like a pretty low dose - presumably all it's going to do is take the edge off, not turn you into a zombie.

09-09-14, 09:17
I've come a long way dealing with panic attacks this is my last hurdle to cross and yes my dear shouldn't be about taking the pills as it can't be any worse than not taking them and having severe panic attacks on the plane x

09-09-14, 23:07
I too dread flying and would rather avoid it at all costs, but with a family this has not been possible. I have found the best way of dealing with this is through lots of deep breathing before getting on the plane, then distractions whilst on it (take a book, have a conversation, listen to your favourite music etc). I also read the Virgin Atlantic Flying Without Fear book which helped put my my mind at ease especially at some of the noises we hear and understanding what they are. Virgin also run the Flying Without Fear courses which I have heard are very good.

The worst thing about fear is it prevents us from truly living and experiencing new things. I hope you can control your fear of flying and get to enjoy a wonderful holiday:)