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08-09-14, 12:57
Just phoned the results line for Hiv test result. It was negative.
Wish I had gone for that test months ago, it would have saved me all these months of stress and worry!

However, one worry down and another has cropped up (as usual!)
I have had pain around my kidney area for 4 months, last week my urine was cloudy and today iv been notice streaks of blood. Had an ultrasound down couple months ago where they looked at both kidneys and said they looked normal, so not sure If going to the docs will help at all coz they will just show me that and say all is fine....!

08-09-14, 13:09
I'm so pleased for you!!! :)!!!

It sounds as if you have a urine infection - painful but not serious - go and see your GP who should take a sample and give you some antibiotics :).

And keep smiling :) xxx

08-09-14, 13:17
Very glad about the test results! You will get through this next thing too. :hugs:

08-09-14, 13:24
No surprises here, pleased that's one less worry out of your mind!

Sounds like uti, I get them alllllll the time.

08-09-14, 15:48
Just phoned the results line for Hiv test result. It was negative

Of course it is!

Positive thoughts

08-09-14, 16:00
This has definitely been a lesson in not googling symptoms.
When I typed in every symptom I'd had into Google, it just spat out pages and pages of'hiv' results. It took about 3 pages before I found another result which was Lyme disease, and I was pretty sure I didn't have that.
When I typed in 'recurring yellow tongue' the whole Internet was going hiv crazy over that symptom. When I typed in swelling and bruising around my knees and ribs people were saying 'sounds like hiv'
I thought from all of this that it was 98% likely I definitely had hiv.....and now I know I don't! Google is evil!

I solemnly swear from this point on I will never Google another symptom again.

08-09-14, 19:42
It's good to hear that your results came back clean! Seems to be a super common occurrence around here, so it's always positive to add another one of these situations to the list, :)

If it makes you feel even more better, I remember reading that the result that comes up doesn't correlate to it being true. Perfect example will be your clean test results despite the fact that Dr. Google said you had HIV. Keep that in mind the next time you get another bout of anxiety, ^_^

09-09-14, 17:04
Hi Katie

So pleased for you with your result. :)
