View Full Version : Small black spot on tongue

08-09-14, 14:53
My partner has a small black tiny spot on the side of his tongue..he says it doesnt hurt ornor is there a lump..i am going out of my mind thinking yhe worst..he going to drs if it gets worse or still there in a week..but please can anyone try to reassure me that he will be ok..thankyou..

08-09-14, 15:15
How long has it been there? Has he maybe bitten it by accident - in his sleep maybe?

08-09-14, 15:27
Thankyou for replying..hes only noticed it today..

08-09-14, 16:54
I had one of these for a few days, turned out it was just a blood blister from catching my tongue (I don't remember doing it)! If it doesn't vanish then tell him to speak to his dentist xx

08-09-14, 17:08
Thankyou kirbear..im in a total mess at mo..worrying..churning in stomach..wanting to cry..butterflies..

08-09-14, 18:05
It's awful isn't it! It's bad enough having ourselves to worry about let alone others. I'm as bad with my husband and son, it drives me mad! I doubt very much it is anything to worry about. x