View Full Version : 21 year old male, muscles twitching pretty much all over!

08-09-14, 17:04
Hey guys! First time posting but far from the first time reading this forum. Been suffering from extreme health anxiety for the past six months or so. Heart attack, cancer, you name it, I was probably afraid of it. For the last three weeks or so I've been noticing some pretty strong muscle twitching mainly in my left leg but it can go up to my shoulders, hands, face although that last one only happened a couple of times. I'm not gonna mention which disease I'm fearful of at the moment, since most of you guys will probably be able to guess which one it is. I don't feel "clinically weak" and I don't have any atrophy that I'm aware of. The twitching started in my left thigh only and the more I looked it up online the more it seemed to spread to the other areas of my body. I'm 21 and have been suffering from general anxiety for about three years now. It's worth mentioning that I don't take any sort of drugs to deal with this issue at the moment but I've taken Ritalin in the past. Any help from people dealing with a similar issue would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys.

08-09-14, 17:11
I've been dealing with muscle twitching for a while. Interestingly, it started in my eyelid and after going away for a bit, it came back and now it's just all over. I actually mentioned it to someone the other day and they said they had the same thing. It's actually really common, but most people don't pay any attention to it. We health anxiety sufferers are hyper-aware of anything that happens in our bodies! I can assure you that you're fine, :)

08-09-14, 17:21
I have the same thing, started in my eye and lasted about a month, went away, then came back a few weeks ago in my ear (actually in my ear).... I am noticing it in my arm, leg etc. I also noticed that when I try to sleep, I do the big JUMP and startle myself awake. My mind immediately went to something neurological as well. When I looked up symptoms for both, neither said "only muscle twitching" that is something that would come on much later....

I know those of us with anxiety have more muscle twitching and that we notice it, means we are paying way too much attention to it.

08-09-14, 17:50
I've had this it's def anxiety when I think about it I get themand when I'm anxious and when I don't I don't even notice them