View Full Version : Here we go again

26-12-06, 14:17
For the past two days i have had a waful tingling and aching feeling in my left leg and foot.
by this morning my health Panic was so bad I couldnt get my mind of it is it DVt or ms god i waish this health worrys woul;d go away .
as I am suposed to be going away friday I am panicing that maybe i should not go I dont want to be taken ill while away so that is just making the panic worse.
I wondered iof anxiaty could cause tingling pins and needles etc in lags and foot any one know please

26-12-06, 15:57
Hi Sylvia,
I get tingling in my hands. Sometimes it gets so bad that they go numb. It can be really scary. I always wonder if it is anxiety or something else. I just know that anxiety can cause all sorts of weird sensations in our minds and bodies and that people with anxiety are more sensitive to these sensations. I don't know if that helps, but know that you are not alone.
Take care,

26-12-06, 22:04
hi syl,
i have had pain and tingling in my left foot and leg for the last 2-3 weeks. i did at first convince myself it was a dvt. but the aching and tingling has got no worse. therefore i am managing to now convince myself self its either anxiety or maybe a touch of rhumetism.(spelling)
does the aching and tingling you get seem to move. mine does....sometimes its my foot, then my calf, then it could be at the front in my tibia..
anxiety plays awful tricks on us, please don't feel you are alone.

wishing u well

27-12-06, 00:49
i would ask you if there was anything that would predispose you to getting Deep Vein Thrombosis (im assuming this is what you are talking about)...its usually something to worry about in someone who doesnt get up and around as much, just had hip or knee replacement surgery...etc you could feel the skin on your leg see if it moves easily and doesnt feel tough/hard. hope you feel better.
