View Full Version : Mindfullnessdzc

08-09-14, 19:14
My heads about to explode!

Can anyone help me with mindfullness? I need to escape my own mind, I feel like I'm drowning in my own self and I just can't escape it.

It's so bad I no longer feel outwards awareness, I feel so inwards I've lost my memory, outwards awareness, my brain needs a rest but I can't give it one.

Everytime I do something I'm "thinking" that I'm doing "it" then I'm thinkng that I'm thinking, I'm in a deep dark painfull hole and it's taking my life away from me.

I can only think I done south inward thining for such a long time 24/7 along with deep emotional negative thoughts I've messed brain up,

How do I reverse it??

If I'm watching tv il latch on to something with myself being ultra aware of it drift away then ......:snap I'm back on me. Back in there,

The pain is horrible, no pain killas touch it.

I feel so lost, so deep inwards I can't ever escape, I feel unintelligent, I struggle to basic stuff like my brain just can't do it no more.

...when the though of il be like this for ever comes to me i start to panic!!! I feel
Like I'm drowning in a pool and can't catch my breath.

Can anyone please explain some exercises to me that may help me,
I'm so so desperate now I only feel like there's one way out for me if I don't get better soon.

08-09-14, 20:08

I get in a state just like you describe, in fact, I did on Saturday. No amount of meditation or relaxation stuff touches it. The only thing that works for me is to go for a run and to try and burn it off, and I'm no exercise fan. Getting yourself out of breath forces you to breathe deeply, which really helps. It also helps rid some of the tension. You might then be able to relax a bit afterwards.
It's worth a try and won't hurt (ok, that's not quite true, I always ache like hell afterwards, but do feel better.)

08-09-14, 20:08
Watch some Jon-Kabat Zinn videos on youtube. His full audiobooks are actually on youtube. He is great at introducing it. I'm sure you can download the beginner mindful exercises he does. They are all very good.

09-09-14, 12:06
I'm stuck like this 24/7, I have been for 7 months now. It feels like my brains power has just all shifted to the front of my head and my awareness and feelings have all gone inwards. I try not to think about it but if I'm not thinking with that part of my mind in not here, if I'm thinking about anything I'm aware of my awareness I'm thinking to myself that I'm thinking or doing somrthing,
Bit of a mess really,

Il check out the videos thanks you,

10-09-14, 00:40
I've been in a similar boat for four years. I'd always been a bit nervy but then it suddenly blew up out of nowhere. Heaps of physical symptoms, the usual ones,and my mind has become a knot. All I ever seem to think about is the way I feel. I utterly obsess about it. I try to think about other things, but the same cr@p is always in the background. It sucks!

Sometimes it mellows and I function ok. Other times, I can barely think straight, or even control my limbs. I know it's all in my head. I just wish I could get it out of there and just go back to being nervy but normal.

I know this doesn't give you any answers but it's just to say that others understand what you're going through. I don't even know what I'm anxious about!

10-09-14, 02:34
If you download cbt4panic from here, there is a whole chapter on mindfulness with some exercises.

10-09-14, 04:48
Hi Ollie,

Here is a link to the Mindfulness meditations in one of Professor Mark Williams books:


Here is another on their website:


I would suggest getting a resource like Mark Williams ‘Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World’ book. It explains what you need to know, what to expect and advises you on how to spend 8 weeks on their programme. It contains habit releasers as well.

The way you describe this is that it has become an obsession. In my case, one of my obsessions is the physical sensations in my body which has occurred due to the anxiety trying to make me see sensations as possible panic signals. It can be reprogrammed though, and whilst a cure may take a long time, making an improvement will give you some peace at least which you are desperate for as you are in the worst stage of it.

You weren't born like this, something happening that caused your mind to train itself to act like this. Therefore, you can train it another way and Mindfulness is the best way to start.

Also, aside from Jon Kabat-Zinn &* Mark Williams, look up Headspace which gives some free meditations via their app and the option to sign up for more.