View Full Version : high heart rate

26-12-06, 14:44
This drives me mad. I suppose my heart rate is ok but it worries me when i have something to eat and it shoots up for a while to the 90's. I have been told loads of times that this is normal, also stays up for a long while after i've had the nerve to do something like dance as well. But if i drink a fizzy drink it goes up too. I went out a couple of weeks ago and had two pints of orange and lemonade and danced a little, i put up with the unreality and dizziness at the time and after as much as i could, when i went to bed my pulse was really high and i started to panic about it, which made it worse of course. I eventually went to sleep and in the morning it was back to normal again, as it usually is. This just really frightens me though. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

26-12-06, 16:06
Hi there Angie, my heart rate is always in the 90,s most of the time even when i am resting which i find quite hard to do. But seemingly your pulse should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute when at rest, this puts my mind at rest a little bit even though i don,t like it being that high but then again a couple of times my pulse has been 68 and i panicked because i thought that was too low. We just can,t win can we. I had family round last night and i brought out my blood pressure monitor and all their beats per minute were between 89 and 100 which made me feel better. Hope this helps.x

sheree ritchie

26-12-06, 16:54
Your family sound great, really supportive to let you do their BP's like that, lol. Thanks a lot for your replies, much appreciated. Angie.x
And we survived xmas!!!!! x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

26-12-06, 20:03
(I had family round last night and i brought out my blood pressure monitor and all their beats per minute were between 89 and 100 which made me feel better.)

Sounds like a family party, taking pulse rates. Don't know if you folks are young or older like me, sixty-four. I myself have a pulse of between 60 to 78. Unless I'm on the treadmill then of course it goes up. Usually a person who does exercise has a low pulse rate, 50's and sometimes 40's. Seems to me if your heart is beating fast at rest especially it is putting stress on it. Not sure though. Are there any Cardiologist out there???
Question: When your pulse is high, is your blood pressure also high??


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
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26-12-06, 22:55
Your pulse should go up after you eat to help your body digest the food. That is perfectly normal. And so is a high pulserate after dancing.
If you're in a hot place (like a party with dancing people), this will also make your pulse go up.

@ rmlamatt - your bp is not nescesarily high because your pulse is high. I went to the dr. once with a pulse of 150 bpm and a very healty bp.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

27-12-06, 09:19
Yes, my blood pressure is quite low but my pulse is quite high. It is often about 84-94 beats per minute when I am at rest! I also suffer from terrible palpitations which are worse after eating or when I am trying to sleep.

27-12-06, 09:20
I would just like to reply to rlamatt that the party was not just about taking pulse rates. I happened to mention that i had bought a bp machine and they were interested to find out how it worked, there was only four of us that did it.

sheree ritchie

27-12-06, 15:37
Dear Sherre
Sorry if I hurt your feelings in your reply:((I would just like to reply to rlamatt that the party was not just about taking pulse rates. I happened to mention that i had bought a bp machine and they were interested to find out how it worked, there was only four of us that did it.
sheree ritchie))

If anything I was trying to make light of it. I have brought my b/p cuff to tennis with me and have twelve or more gals take their b/p and pulse. It was interesting to see how different the readings were. Sorry again if I said something out of order. Hope you are feeling better now.

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

27-12-06, 15:41
HI rlamatt, sorry if i took what you said personally. when i read it back i thought maybe you did not mean anything out of the ordinary. I apologise. Take care.x

sheree ritchie

27-12-06, 15:50
WHY are you all checking your pulse rate? Have any of you been told to do this by a doctor, i.e. is there a medical reason for it?
If not, then STOP checking it!

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

27-12-06, 17:40
Yes, it would be a good idea to stop taking your pulse, but when you feel your pulse going up or being irregular, that is much easier said than done.
I used to be a compulsive pulse-checker, and MADE myself stop, even though I thought at the time it might be the death of me.

So if you can, try to let your pulse just be and tell yourself that it won't hurt you. Eventually it will settle down.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

18-04-10, 11:51
Hi, this is not a plug!!! Just to say that I have found that taking omega 3 and garlic supplements every day as well as greatly reducing my caffine and sugar intake has seen a drop in my heart rate over the last 3 months. In January my resting heart rate was up around 80bpm, and now I am regularly recording readings of around 72-74 bpm.

I have also found that my heart rate sometimes goes up noticably when I eat / drink particular things. I've found it to be particularly bad when I eat too many carbs or drink fizzy drinks... They seem to cause my heart rate to go up and cause me to get slight chest pain and lots of burping... My hypothesis is that such food / drinks trigger some form of IBS and the gas causes a bit of pressure in my stomach and the base of my chest cavity... which through discomfort or otherwise is bound to cause some kind of change. I think largely the problem is a self-perpetuating one as soon as I notice a higher heart rate I start to panic, and it goes up

My best advice is to do something about it if you feel your heart rate is high, dont panic and once you have been checked out by the docs and if the docs give you the all clear and you still do not feel right then take stepts towards reducing your heart rate. I think that half the battle is knowing that you are working to reduce it.

Take the following steps:

1) Reduce caffine and refined sugar intake (try and cut the majority of it out, with the exception of a cup of tea in the morning if thats what starts your day) - if you smoke then try to give up

2) Reduce your salt intake

3) Stay properly hydrated... If you find drinking water boring then try making a 1 litre bottle of sugar free / low sugar squash in the morning and as a minimum making sure you have finished it by the end of the day.

4)Eat a whole grain cereal with fruit and youghurt for breakfast

5) Snack on fruit / cereal bars

6) Make sure you get your 5 a day

7) Take and Omega 3 and a garlic supplement every morning

8) Increase your exercise, even if its just going for a 15 minute walk in your lunch break

9) Identify any possible triggers and seek to avoid them if you believe the trigger to be physical (a reaction to a certain food) or overcome them if you think they are mental (i.e. a fear that a certain food / drink will trigger it) - this will take time to work out

10) Try to set aside 30minutes minimum each day to relax, whether this is simply reading quietly in bed, or doing yoga, or going for a walk, listening to / playing music... whatever floats your boat.

Don't try and go cold turkey and follow all these rules right away as its less likely you will succeed unless you have very strong willpower. Introduce the rules one at a time and make gradual changes to your lifestyle. In my case I started taking the omega supplements, then changed my breakfast habits, reduced my salt, sugar and caffine intakes, then cut down on my smoking, focused on staying hydrated. At the moment I am trying to work more exercise into my routine, working on trying to get my 5 per day every day, and also trying to get into a regular sleeping pattern with time set aside for relaxation. Hope this helps and good luck

18-04-10, 12:52
Hi guys, Food is energy especially chocolate etc and this will speed the heart rate up mine seems to do it after cheese.
I was reading in a very old claire weekes book (latest help for you nerves) about a guy that constantly checked his pulse and it was at 120 -160 bpm and she said that a healthy heart can tolerate 200bpm for day weeks and be fine altho not ideal. Claire weekes said she was staying witha friend once (she was in an anxiety state at the time) and as she was going to sleep she kept feeling her pulse and it was racing and she thought she would die, she called out to a doctor she was staying with and he said no i wont help you, you will think your worse than you really are. After that every time she has fat pulse she wouldnt check her pulse just lie there and think ok palpitate if nessecary after a couple of months she was climbing mountains lol.
Anyway sorry for that ramble xx

18-04-10, 15:10
hey angie sent you a message.............im experiencing the same thing.

scaremonkey brill post mate.............i read a forum i found ages ago about fast heart rates, and this guy found out that Aspartame poisoning was his cause of rapids.......
it sounds nasty but actually its a sugar found in fizzy drinks, certain sweet things etc
its not like regular sugar you put in tea..........its 100 times sweeter.........
will copy and paste his thread for guys...............

18-04-10, 15:11
the thread i found -

when I was constantly having rapid heart rate after eating. I was going absolutely crazy until I finally figured out what was going on with me and I wanted to share my experience and hope that it might be helpful to others. About 6 months ago I had Aspartame poisoning. I was so sick it was ridiculous. I had major anxiety, migranes, fatigue, pains everywhere, blurred vision, rapid heart rate, palpitations, sleeping for weeks at at time.. the list goes on. I went to the doctors several times and they could not find anything wrong with me. After researching the internet by typing in all my symptoms on Google, I found hundreds of websites regarding aspartame poisoning and I thought oh my God! That's it! I knew I'd finally found out what was wrong with me. I've been drinking Diet Coke for about 15 years but when I stopped drinking diet sodas cutting out everything with aspartame in it I started getting better immediately (although it took about 2 months to be almost symptom free). I was really careful what I ate .. mostly fresh or whole foods. I hadn't had tachyardia (rapid heart rate) during that time. Then I started eating processed foods again... Once again I started having rapid heart rate after eating. Well I did some more research and the culprit was MSG. Monosodium Glutamate. Because of the Aspartame nightmare I was going through, I became extra sensitive to MSG. The reason was because Aspartame and MSG are almost identical. I did more research and found out that MSG is not just in Chinese foods but in TONS of stuff, from salad dressings to chips, soups, fast food and regular restaurants, and on and on... The best thing is to go online and do your own research to make sure your not getting MSG in your food, if, in case this is the problem. It's hidden under different names so I carry a list around with me to make sure I'm not eating MSG in one form or another.. I can always tell if I've eaten anything with MSG because my heart will start pounding almost immediately after I've eaten. So basically the Aspartame AND the MSG screwed me up. Maybe someday I won't be so sensitive to it but for now I just stay away from all that stuff. It's probabaly a good thing anyway. I'm not having any palpitations or rapid heart rate and for that I'm greatful because I know how scary it is to go through this and not have ANY idea why. Anyway, I know some of you may have something more serious going on, but I wanted to share my story in case it may help even one person. Take Care all

18-04-10, 15:25
I have a fast heart rate, 90-100 and my blood pressure is pretty low.
I have a habit of putting my hand on my throat to "check" if my heart is still beating.

19-04-10, 20:16
Hi guys, thanks for the posts.

My heart rate has improved somewhat over time, think it is down to knowing what is going on and what to avoid as well. I never touch alcohol as that will raise my heart rate, definately! I do still smoke but it doesn't raise my heart rate, but certain foods do. I do still get anxious when i do things and my heart starts to beat so fast i think it will jump out the top of my head! Just going upstairs sometimes does this, but if i keep occupied when i get up there, it goes off quicker. I am unfit but getting fit is going to be very hard for me because of my depression, anxiety and panic attacks. But slow and steady wins the race i suppose. I will keep trying!
If i have a chinese from the take away we always go to the same shop and ask for NO MSG, this has stopped my fast heart rate after eating chinese food!!!!!
I don't have fizzy drinks really, the odd sip now and then is all.
I do drink lots and lots of tea, but it doesn't affect me, i don't drink coffee and if i have the odd on, i only had a tiny bit on the end of the spoon, just to be able to taste it slightly, and it is decaf.
Spicy things are a nightmare. Even soups. I have either a hiatus hernia, re-occuring gastritis or an ulcer, i have been told by the gp and was given med's for it but i don't take med's and haven't done for a while now, but they are still in the cupboard in case of an emergency lol.
I stay away from things that i think will cause me problems as much as i can. Bloating and ectopic heart beats are also a common feature for me, all connected lol.
I have calmed down about the fast heart rate compared to what i was like before, but i have more than enough anxieties to keep me going grey anyway lmao!
Hope you are all doing ok.x