View Full Version : Health Anxiety is about to get a whole lot worse...

09-09-14, 11:39
...don't panic though, you can still beat health anxiety with no drugs or medication! (learn how (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beat-Health-Anxiety-Michael-Evans-ebook/dp/B00GMHWSDM/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1410258105&sr=8-3&keywords=health+anxiety))

I'm referring to the launch of iOS8 by Apple today at 6pm (BST). Apple clearly don't 'get' health anxiety - their new operating system comes bundled with a brand new health app, called HealthKit. Now, people with health anxiety can obsess over their health even more, with greater ease, on the go.

The new HealthKit app collects data on your:

- heart rate (great for those who suffer palpitations and who have cardiophobia), - calories burned (perfect for those with weight issues or worry about losing too much weight)
- blood sugar (ideal for those who are scared they have diabetes)
- cholesterol (excellent for heart-worriers)

Apple think that it's a great idea for people to monitor their own health more. As a person who has suffered in the past with crippling health anxiety, I know that this is a BAD, BAD thing. How many others is this app going to turn into health worriers? Quite a lot I would guess.

It's dubbed as a 'detailed body-monitoring system' - as if people with health anxiety need this...! What's more, you won't be able to delete this app from your iPhone.

Here's a preview from Apple of what to expect:


And here's a video of them talking about how great it will be:


Apple is usually the pioneer of things like this so expect other devices to follow suit eventually. Health monitoring is going to be a big part of smartphones from now on, and it's exactly what people with Health Anxiety don't need.

Comments/questions/concerns welcome below:

09-09-14, 11:49
I assume you have to get the blood sugar and cholesterol tests done and then just enter the figures on the app??

I can see it being useful for some people that choose to use it wisely but not those that would obsess over the readings etc

09-09-14, 11:50
Blegh. For people without HA I'm sure this is a fine thing but I know for a fact I'd be testing myself every single day. I remember the brief time I used fitness pal before all of this started and I obsessively logged everything.

I worry that people would end up googling even more than now, even those who don't as of yet suffer. Still I suppose they can't cater to everyone. It shouldn't be compulsory :(

09-09-14, 12:11
To be fair it's not apples responsibility to ensure their apps don't insult us suffering with health anxiety.

09-09-14, 13:11
I agree with that too. If I could think rationally even, id quite like to have an app that does these things the more I think about it!

09-09-14, 13:28
Yeah this kind of thing is not an issue when you're 'over' health anxiety, but I know from past experience that it's exactly what you don't need when you're just starting out on the road to recovery.

Distraction is the key in the early stages, and this phone is not going to help with that as you will now see the word 'Health' on your homescreen at all times (probably with an ECG or heart icon).

09-09-14, 13:33
I think you will be able to move it to another folder (where I put the other apple apps I have no use for!) that way you can keep it hidden.

09-09-14, 14:03
Glad I got rid of my iphone ...

09-09-14, 17:00
It will be on Android phones soon I'm sure...

09-09-14, 22:19
I love my iPhone haha. If anything is detrimental to my well being it's the ability to google wherever I may be!

09-09-14, 22:48
I own a car that'll do 160mph. I'm sure it's offensive to both road safety campaigners and green nutters. Those individuals can simply not buy the car, no need to moan about its existence.