View Full Version : can causes of anxiety change

09-09-14, 12:14
Hi all

I have suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember and jogged along as best as I could, as with anyone who suffers I have my own specific triggers and fears..

I have managed to work part time although that has been tough, just getting out of the door, but just lately I have developed a fear of being trapped in the same place for ages.

this has made working difficult as i know that i am committed to there for x amount of hours with no escape, I need to work for financial reasons and have just started a new job my husband is over the moon lol, but im worried that I wont be able to do it...

I think what im trying to waffle on about is where has this all come from, work was okish before now its a big deal...

Iv read that is could be signs of agrophobia dont really know much about that..

Hope this make sense, as not much else does at the mo lol

Sky :wacko:

09-09-14, 18:29
I had this. I had social anxiety for a long time and had a period where I had panic attacks. I had the exact same fear of being somewhere where I was supposed to stay. That meant if I had any sort of episode, panic or even just becoming anxious and spaced out, I couldn't leave and that bothered me.

As I learned to control the escalation of panic feeling though I knew I could handle the situation if it did happen when I was there.

At first I did spend a lot of time at work feeling spaced out, anxious and less than ideal but it forces you to fall into and develop calming habits/routine and to get your work environment how you like it. That way you can turn your work environment into a safe place too. Ultimately this builds your confidence and it gets easier and easier.

Agoraphobia could obviously result only if you retreat further and further back until you don't even want to go outdoors.

If you feel panicky you can handle it. Dampen that feeling in your belly. You're in control. And when you believe and know you're in control, you'll be in control.

Develop the ability to calm yourself down and then you can use that anywhere. It will only get easier.

If after a period of time you don't think that work environments ideal for you, you can change it. Then things will become easier again.

Until then try and make yourself comfortable there. Make the place you flee to inside yourself. You can go quiet, put your thoughts somewhere relaxing.
Make a familiar drink.
Can you listen to something that relaxes you, the radio, a podcast, favourite music.
Think of interests.

Let your MIND escape somewhere it feels more relaxed. See how many of these little sanctuaries you can incorporate into your work day.

If I start to feel anxious and spaced out I put a podcast I like on and I enjoy listening to the familiar voices. It calms me down and puts me back in the relaxed state I was previously in.

You get anxious, use them to relax.

10-09-14, 02:45
Yes, anxiety can change.

For instance, I had GAD for 4-5 years before my various forms of OCD developed. I have also suffered from agoraphobia at my worst point with anxiety and some social anxiety, but these fade easily as I start getting better because they are just ways the GAD is coming out.

Beating agoraphobia can mean using exposure. I wonder if being exposed to something harder than your work situation would help you habituate?

I would advise you to look at Mindfulness meditation as well because you could use it's various forms whilst at work which will help to calm you.

11-09-14, 11:39
Thank you for your replies I have managed to get to work every day, the mornings are worse as i wake with that dread feeling and have to quickly think what day it is....

Its hard because i dont want to go and when im there i just cant wait for the end of the day....

I will definitely look at the meditation and give it a go
