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View Full Version : Shooting pain in fingers

09-09-14, 12:17
Last night I was experiencing a shooting pain down the fingers of my left hand and especially the middle finger, it was like an electric zap shooting down.

I've been struggling with my MND fear for well over a month now, and have body wide twitching, issues with muscle dents & (what I believe to be) wasting in my left thigh.

The body wide twitching, I think its mainly in my bigger more used muscles, especially the legs- thighs, bum and calves, occasionally in my biceps and arms, sometimes a little in my face. A muscle inside my ear was twitching for a while last night which was really weird. They tend to be one off "thumps" of twitches, maybe a few an hour, occasionally spasm ones that will be intense for a short time.

My left arm/ hand has been sluggish, tight and painful the last few days.

I also feel problems with my throat, tightness, compulsion to swallow lot's, I've not been able to yawn for over two months.

I get painful stabbing pains all over my body, often in both thighs, had one in my shoulder this morning that was really quite painful.

The left leg is very stiff, very sore in the foot also.

Just putting this out there :)

09-09-14, 17:18
Heaviest & lazy feelings in left arm and leg today.....

09-09-14, 17:35
Great news! :D

Your fear is MND, you've had a sensory symptom. Sensory symptoms are never, ever, MND. It just can't produce them.

Did you read the link I posted in one of your other threads?


09-09-14, 17:54
Hey Serenity!
Yes I did read that and it greatly appeals to my rational logical side :)
That half of me thanks your for it!

Do the pains count as Sensory too? The stabbing pains and such?


09-09-14, 18:23
Of course pains are sensory!

Motor neurone disease is a disease of the MOTOR NEURONES! As in the bits that control movement. It has absolutely no capability to affect your sensory neurones.

10-09-14, 17:02
Thanks Serenity.
I guess just what really scares me, is it seems when I have something new happen, it always hangs around and doesn't go away. I guess if the aching, heaviness & twitching wen away for a day or two, I'd know I'd be okay, but they're always here.

Also something that I notice with my twitching- is deffo worse after exercise, I get the running ants thing in my legs, especially if I'm wearing trousers and have gotten hot, for like an hour after a good walk. All over thumpy twitches after exercise, more concentrated in some areas, like legs & butt- but still all over.
And all over twitches in general.
But one thing I notice, is I don't think I twitch in bed- I think that when I'm laying down in bed, I don't twitch..... what do you think this is all about?


10-09-14, 17:41
I'm not a doctor. But twitching is reported to be much worse after exercise in BFS and BCFS. This would also explain your sensory symptoms, and is strongly associated with anxiety.

10-09-14, 18:03
what do you think this is all about?


I'm not a doctor but based on all your posts, I think you have a case of severe anxiety. Everything points to and is indicative of it. There's nothing you've posted that indicate anything otherwise.

Positive thoughts