View Full Version : Scared I have dislocated my knee...

09-09-14, 12:38
So I was sat on the sofa on Saturday night with both my knees up on the sofa against my chest, and my 9 year old daughter was sat with me and she had her hands on my knees just playing about as kids do, and then she suddenly jumps and says "I think I just pushed something in the side!!" maybe meaning a bone or something, and, me being the health anxiety poster girl that I am, I freaked out and since she said that, I've been hyper aware of my knee, and it's been feeling weird ever since she pointed that out.

There's been no pain or anything, just maybe a little bit of a faint swelling feeling? Or a sprain without the pain or bruising or any evidence. I dunno if it's just me being paranoid and anxious or whether I should go get it checked out. When it comes to health anxiety, dislocated knees are definitely up there on the list of conditions I would much rather avoid, ever since I saw a friend dislocate hers at school. Even the thought of my daughter moving a bone in my knee is enough to make me feel sick, so I don't know how I'm going to cope if I have that, and if a doctor has to relocate it. I don't know what I'd do.

I'm just being very careful with it at the moment, even though there is no pain. I'm sitting and rising really carefully so I don't twist or awkwardly flex my leg and I'm putting no pressure on it whatsoever.

My questions are, could it be that easy to dislocate a knee? Would even a small dislocation hurt? I'm not sure whether to go to see a doc.

09-09-14, 13:36
Trust me, you would know if you dislocated anything. It is extremely painful and, at times, worse than breaking a bone. Your knee cap is only connect to your leg bones via tendons so, therefore, it is free to wiggle about a bit.