View Full Version : Struggling to Accept Physical Symptoms

09-09-14, 13:30
So...I know many others have already posted similiar topics, and I suppose it's inherent in health anxiety, but I'm looking for any tips/tricks on how to accept my physical symptoms as what they are, instead of fearing that they're the indicators of some horrific disease. Most notably, I feel lightheaded/off-balance most days, and not just "spells", but all day. I've been told by more than one doctor (yeah, I doctor-hop sometimes) that it's "non-specific dizziness" which is often attributable to psychologic issues (e.g. anxiety)....I've had all of the pertinent tests done (blood work, MRI, ECGs, breathing tests, etc) and, of course, they all come back clear. My latest fixation is that maybe I should see a neurologist "just to be sure" that there isn't something else going on (despite the fact that my GP told me that I'm not presenting with the symptoms of a neurological disorder).....I don't want to feed the anxiety beast by chasing after tests I don't need, but I can't seem to accept that I'm fine and that feeling so physically bad is truly anxiety....when I'm feeling rational, I kind of get it, but when my symptoms are particularly bad (as they'v been for the last few weeks or so), I spin into a panic....it's been a long eighteen months since this all began for me, and I'm exhausted. Words of wisdom from anyone?

09-09-14, 15:53
I completely identify with this post. I'm still questioning myself about everything for the most part. It's sort of like as soon as you're ready to admit you might have HA, something says "BUT WHAT IF?" It's so exhausting and saddening. I really liked a post I read from cpe (think it's a couple of pages back) where he outlined the steps he took to overcoming it and one was to accept. Have a look for it and see if it helps x

09-09-14, 16:58

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

10-09-14, 08:45
I can also relate to how you are feeling. I experience the dizziness/light headed feeling and like you it doesn't appear to go away. For the last month or so I have also struggled to fall asleep at night and have what I would consider a decent night's sleep. I know that I am probably still suffering from anxiety, but I don't feel like I am going through a particularly bad spell and therefore question why the symptoms are not reducing. My doctor has put me on Fluoxetine as he also seems to think that I am suffering from depression, but so far I have felt no benefit.