View Full Version : Hi everyone, been reading for a while

09-09-14, 14:39
and thought I had better introduce myself:)

I am female, early 40s, have terrible anxiety (generalised and health:huh:) and panic attacks, I do have some real health problems though so its hard to differentiate between what is real and what is just my anxiety playing up! I am starting CBT so hoping that is going to help.

Life is hard ATM, I have recently given up work due to health probs so its hard trying to keep my mind busy and not dwell on things :)

09-09-14, 15:56
Welcome! I hope you find a lot of help and support here. I have over the years. Good luck with CBT, heard great things about it :)

09-09-14, 17:18
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.

09-09-14, 17:21
Hi Biscuitmuncher (love your username :D)

Welcome to the site, it's a great place for support and understanding :)

09-09-14, 18:20
Welcome, It took me a few weeks to get a feel for the site before I joined, but I'm very glad I did. I hope you find it useful & a support.

Best wishes
Strawberrygirl :welcome:

19-09-14, 10:34
Thanks everyone, am finding it very helpful reading others stories and knowing I am not the only one to feel like this :)