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View Full Version : worried by low sats

anx mum
09-09-14, 15:13
I recently went to a&e following calf pain and chest pain felt I couldn't breath either was seen quite quickly and hooked up to a monitor the probe that was put on my finger was showing low sats. An ecg was done and chest xray and blood work. Im really confused why my sats were low. My calf pain getter better just got chest pain and breathing:shrug:

09-09-14, 16:59
I thought the doctor wasn't worried and said hyperventilation?

anx mum
11-09-14, 15:14
yes doc has said hyperventilation this is awful with me all day feels like I got no air. worrying me cos sats are low

11-09-14, 15:29
You need to learn correct abdominal breathing and it will help with a lot of things.

macc noodle
11-09-14, 18:07
Your SATs levels must have been at an acceptable level for them to let you leave hospital.

anx mum
13-09-14, 12:03
can anyone tell me if 93 is normal for sats everyday im worried sick have been poorly but feel better now.

13-09-14, 12:30
I remember reading 86 is worrying but acceptable but anything above 90 is great

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 ----------

Normal oxygen saturation can be determined by using a device called a pulse oximeter, which was developed to measure a patient's blood oxygen level. The small machine is attached to the end of a finger or earlobe into which it sends different colors of light and then measures the amount of light that is returned. A pulse oximeter might be clipped to a toe when measuring for a pediatric patient. It then determines the blood oxygen saturation level and displays the reading on a small screen. If the reading displayed is between 96 and 100%, the patient is said to be normal.

A reading below 96% oxygen indicates a condition known as hypoxia, or an insufficiency in the supply of oxygenated blood reaching the body's tissues. Readings below 86% indicate significant hypoxia, and readings below 85% indicate severe hypoxia. Some oximeters use different wavelengths of light, which permits them to measure the level of carbon monoxide in the blood in addition to the level of oxygen.

13-09-14, 13:08
How do you know it is still 93% - did they give you one of those finger things to use everyday?

anx mum
13-09-14, 13:18
I bought one Nicola when mine broke was £60 so not cheap

13-09-14, 13:25
Wow that is a lot of money

Have you started doing correct abdominal breathing now?

13-09-14, 15:14
From your previous post about this:

Re: worried by sats results

"Originally Posted by anx mum View Post
Im so concerned about my sats they have been as low as 92 im scared all the time worried to sleep."

I answered and this is medical fact. Source: Johns Hopkins

90-100 is considered normal.

So... What is it you're concerned with?

Positive thoughts

13-09-14, 17:16
I've told you that your SATS are normal I have chronic brittle asthma and have been rushed into hospital more times than I wish to remember and 93 is perfectly fine, and like I said before ask your doctor can you go for breathing lessons I know sounds silly but it helps specially if your hyperventilating

anx mum
13-09-14, 17:30
Im trying Nicola does goes up and eventually goes back down so think its staying at 93%:weep:

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

thanks cags x

13-09-14, 17:42
And two people have told you this is normal - what part of that don't you understand?

14-09-14, 17:05
What position are you in when you're using the finger thing?
When my son was in hospital recently, his sats varied according to whether he was lying down when they took a reading, or sitting up.

Remind yourself that there are millions upon millions of people around you who wouldn't have the first clue what their says are (me included!) because they have no way of checking them!
Bin the probe! If sats levels were something for lay people to worry about, we'd all be given probes!!

14-09-14, 18:55
That's very good advice chickpea

anx mum
14-09-14, 20:08
And two people have told you this is normal - what part of that don't you understand?

thank u brunette as usual another saccy comment!

14-09-14, 20:44
thank u brunette as usual another saccy comment!

I think the point Brunette is trying to make is that 2 people have told you explicitly that 90 to 100 is perfectly normal, but you are still fretting that yours are 93. Why worry about something you have been told is perfectly normal?
Presumably you posted for reassurance - and you've been given it, with evidence to support it.

It won't do you any good to simply dismiss the positive posts and only focus on what you think. If you can't accept the advice given, maybe try to put a time scale on your anxiety, e.g. if I still feel unwell in a week, I will get checked out. Until then, I'm going to ignore it. You will not die of 93 sats in a week, and if you need to be seen sooner, it will become obvious.

14-09-14, 21:52
The sad reality is that there are some, despite all efforts, are terminally trapped in the spiral that is anxiety disorder. There are many examples of that on this and other boards. The reality is, even when staring it straight in the eyes, one cannot see the forest for the trees. We can only hope that they seek help and find way out of the woods.

Positive thoughts

15-09-14, 08:16
Not being sarky at all (if that's what you mean).

I genuinely don't understand how you ignore every positive, rational reply you get. It's almost as if you would rather people came here and told you that you were ill and ought to be worried.

I read something the other day that said if you hold onto your problems long enough you become comfortable with them. I think that's whats happening here.

anx mum
17-09-14, 13:45
No offence you know nothing about me I come on this site for help. I read other peoples forums I certainly never talk down to anyone this forum is about helping people?

17-09-14, 14:13
It is about helping people Bev but you also need to listen to any advice given to you and you really need to start looking after yourself and getting on top of the severe HA that you have.

You seem to ignore any advice and just post again about the same problem so people feel frustrated with you.

The doctor has told you it is your breathing that is causing the low sats so you need to start being proactive and doing correct breathing.

19-10-14, 00:29
Hi anx mum, you seem to be in a bit of a rut. I have read your posts and see the same things posted time and time again. It problies doesn't help when people are frustrated with you, and your frustrated with them for not believing you. Are you currently on any meds or getting any help for your health anxiety? i completely sympathise with you and understand that nothing anyone can say or do will make you feel better about the situation. I wish there was something i could say that would help you but unfortunately im going through the same battle. I never believed anyone when they told me i was fit and healthy, now im starting to get better because i now believe that (MOST) of my symptoms are anxiety related, once u start to believe that you have this condition then you can start to make a recovery. Hope your feeling better. :)

19-10-14, 09:13
I've been in your situation and my sats went to 93! That was a year ago at least, I'm still hear. Hyperventilating is awful I don't even know I'm doing it x