View Full Version : 9 months later and I'm still as anxious as I was before!

09-09-14, 16:25
So, long story short I suffered my very first anxiety/panic attack in January. The cause of my first attack was because I took the recommended dose of a popular pre-workout supplement called Cellucor C4 Pink Lemonade. I thought everything was nice and dandy at the gym, but when I got home and later that night I had labored breathing and I seriously thought I was having a heart attack (typical, right?) With that being said I drove myself to the Emergency Room out of panic/anxiety and the doctor administered me an IV drip to get the fluids out as well as something else to calm me and help me sleep. That did wonders.

Ever since then though... I have been so health-conscious since then. There have been many things racing through my mind, but the number one thought that I just cannot get out of my head is particularly heart problems (heart attack, angina, chest pain, any cardiac-related issue scares me to death).

I'm always monitoring my heart pulse against the side of my neck as well as the pulse directly above my heart. Every time I get ready to go to bed I get scared to go to sleep which is why I drink about 1-2 cups of Yogi Bedtime tea to help relax me as well as 4 drops of the Rescue Remedy Stress Relief. Last night was troublesome night for me as I just found out a friend's friend unexpectedly passed away this past Saturday from unknown causes. She just went to sleep and never woke up. Since I found out about that I've also been scared about that recently. I've also noticed that I get the quick "frightened" feeling in your heart/chest every time you get scared. That's been freaking me out lately too for whatever reason.

I'm currently not taking any medications for my anxiety because I would really, really, really love it if I didn't have to turn to rX to remedy this mental health problem. I am however taking magnesium, fish oil, multi-vitamins, and sometimes niacinamide (because I heard it helps with anxiety) to remedy myself. It sort of works but sometimes my mind just likes to take over. I just found this forum so I'm very grateful that there are other people out there that can relate to me. Thanks for any advice/tips/suggestions or anything ya'll post. :)

09-09-14, 16:59
Interesting tactics, I haven't tried fish oil might give that a go! I'm very much pro medication as a way of aiding recovery, especially early on. On the other hand I completely understand why you'd want to avoid it all together! Glad you found us :)
Exercise and a healthier diet is a big help to me, you don't have to be a saint but eating more fresh food and if you can get vitamins through your diet rather than supplements that can be a huge boost. Doing something physical that you enjoy is a win win really.

I used to have near constant chest pain, it's really horrible. And for years I was convinced I was dying or at least damadged by all the stress and pain but at my last check up the guy told me my chest couldn't be healthier, blood preassure, oxygen levels, ECG etc all perfect. Since then I've actually had less chest pain, just because I'm not worrying about it anymore I guess lol. Perhaps not monitoring it would help? Like try not to obsess over it, distract yourself and try to rationalize the worried thoughts pressing you to obsess over your health.
Good luck! xx

09-09-14, 17:44
I took jack3d a while back. That was known to induce anxiety too. I tried it and thought "eek, this is a bit unpleasant. Not taking this again".

Loads of these pre work out drinks can cause anxiety due to excessive amounts of caffeine and other ingredients. Jack3d had DMAA in it which has since been banned.

The thing is though, it's ok to feel excess anxiety. Your body can handle it.

The problem is the meaning you've attached to it -

You fear heart problems etc

THATS why it's not going away. You have a fear now and are self monitoring for it.

You escape that by realising the truth is the fear isn't real.
Your hearts fine.
Your heart racing , is fine.
Testing your pulse and feeling it racing, is fine.
You'll still be ok.
It doesn't mean anything.
It doesn't mean your heart is in danger.

Now if you accept this you'll no longer fear it. And if you no longer fear it, the thought of it won't make your heart rate accelerate.

Let your heart race, it's fine :)

09-09-14, 19:36
Thank you for your thoughts Oosh & HalfJack!!! I appreciate it so much. I've been trying to explain my "anxiety" situation to my boyfriend and he just tells me everything is in my head (as always, I mean... isn't that what anxiety sufferers suffer from?) He just doesn't get it. Thankfully there is such a forum as this that I can go to that will help me deal with things in a positive light.

I have just been worried lately because I have been having chest pains (only lasts for a few seconds then goes away throughout the day). Most of the time I can pinpoint the location but I've heard that if you can do that then it isn't heart-related and it's more muscoskeletal. I did have an ECG a while ago (not too sure if it was a year ago or several months ago) to monitor my heart and everything came out good! I think I should go back though for the sake of my own sanity since my heart has been worrying me lately. And the fact that I'm only 25 years old and scared of dying of a heart attack. Lol.

14-09-14, 23:49
It helps to go to the Dr and clear your head, it was a big help for me when I got the all clear about my heart and lungs. x