View Full Version : panic, anxiety, sleep disturbance and setraline

09-09-14, 16:38
I have been a member of this site since I suffered from bad anxiety then panics as few years back. At the time I thought why me? why should a normally very confident and socialable person start getting panic attacks in a social (pubs etc) circumstances. I fought it and got over it... (whether or not I was kidding myself I had or not) as I have always have had hyper vigilance to danger etc. this impedes on my enjoyment of times when I should be relaxing/letting my hair down.
The panic attacks started again just before christmas last year, I was booked in for an hospital operation under general (first time, very pappy-bloke) this went well and recuperation was slow and painful, but since then I've had a very good successful year business wise, but split from a 3.5 year volatile relationship around april/may. Now I obviously loved this person despite this volatility otherwise wouldn't have stayed it out for 3.5years! This is kind of stayed in my mind.... alongside a slight ongoing paranoia about general things, panic attacks, but good normal times as well, realised after having cbt a while in the past etc etc. I could do with something to balance me out, I think I have over active mind and adrenaline, hence the increased vigilance, normally over absolutely nothing, but a perceived threat at the time. I visited docs and said it had been hard to come and say it all and ask for something, and she prescribed setraline (ive never had anything on the drugs lines for anxiety etc) big step, and keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing, as I do have bouts of lows (not usually deep lows though) but bouts of highs (bi-polar?) I think alot about the world situations and worry for my two childrens future in this world, and quite often feel its all on my shoulders...!! This is the core of my current anxiety I feel, as everything else in my life is settled and comfortable, with plenty of people worse off than me! But I have started on these tablets last friday, wondered if anyone has experience of them and any thoughts rec's.
Or just general chat. info. help.
All the best everyone. :)