View Full Version : Oh to feel well again...

09-09-14, 17:21
Hey everyone,

I don’t know if you are able to identify with this or help at all but I just feel like I’ve been continously ill since my anxiety kicked in in May.
It all started due to a UTI and now I’ve been fully scanned, x-rayed and tested I feel like it’s back.. urgh.
I’m fighting off the urge to run to my GP with fears of cervical cancer and instead have tried thrush and cystitis treatment and am waiting to see if they work.

My issue is that if I felt ‘well’ then I would be able to fight away the dragon once and for all but the pain just comes creeping back somewhere else and I can’t cope with it.
There are times when I don’t know if it hurts or I’m merely focussing on it and catastrophising.

I feel like I’m stuck between two mindsets and I just want to break free of that dragon.

Has anybody else experienced this or do you have any tips on how to differentiate between what’s real and what’s my anxiety/focussing??

Thanks so much

09-09-14, 17:34
I struggle with differentiating too. Sometimes I run it by somebody who doesn't have HA and see if it is something they would notice/pay attention to. I try to think ... would a non HA person notice this/worry about it? If that doesn't work, I try to give it a week to go away. If that doesn't work, I give in and call my doctor because I can't live with the worry. I don't know if that is even good to do, but that's what I usually do.

I wish I had better advice, but kind of suffering the same way with anxiety