View Full Version : Sometimes all you need...

NE21 worrier
09-09-14, 23:40
Is a good cry.

Sorry I cannot be more specific BUT
A few minor reparable disagreements with close family members + some very bad news for a good friend + realising I'm beating myself up too much for mistakes at my new work when I'm still learning the job

= heightened emotional state. Not anxiety or panic - but felt like I needed to listen to some sad music and let it our a bit tonight. I think it's helped as I'm going to bed relaxed.

Night night all,
Peter x

10-09-14, 10:17
You are so right but since taking this med sertaline IRS blocked my emotions a few months ago I was crying to much. Now I can't and yet I feel I really want to its bloody horrid having yr emotion blocked xxxxx

10-09-14, 13:56
Trish, I felt like that on lexapro and it was really frustrating. It was one of the reasons I got off them once I felt ok again. A good cry always helps me.