View Full Version : Fear of Holiday

10-09-14, 09:09
Hi there. I've suffered from panic attacks for a number of years now and take Paroxetine 20mg which does help. The only thing is my anxiety gets bad when I'm due to go on holiday. I worry about everything especially feeling anxious all the time when I'm away. I'm going to Tenerife in a few weeks and can tell I'm starting to panic. I don't avoid going away as I am determined not to let it rule my life. I usually calm down once I'm there a few days but feel that this is ruining going away. Sometimes I think maybe my brain gets confused between being excited and feeling anxious.

10-09-14, 09:19
You're dead right: you interpret the symptoms of excitement for anxiety because thats what you know best. Brains go to what they know first and the anxiety route is a well worn path for your brain.

I have the same problem with exercise. My heart starts beating fast, I feel hot, sweaty, my skin is tingling so it must be a panic attack, so I tip over into a panic attack.

I think its great that you can go on holiday! You can only cope with the symptoms as bet you can and try to make it through. At least there is a nice pay-off of being on holiday!

10-09-14, 13:46
Thanks for this. It is so hard I would rather not go but then I am missing out and letting this take over my life which I don't want to happen. I am able to sleep at night just wake up early in the morning before my alarm goes off so I must be able to relax somehow. I think that even if I didn't go away I would still fell like this. I just wish I didn't feel like this its horrible. I managed to go to York for a few days last week and didn't panick once so that is a bit of progress.

11-09-14, 01:15
Hi Barney 40. I wanted to tell you that I have been trying to go on Holiday for 6 months and with three attempts. Well, I am now writing this message from my Holiday destination, so it can be done!!!! I just kept telling myself of the reward at the end of it and it was certainly worth it. So, don't give up! I don't feel any worse now I am away than if I was at home, but I do have the added plus of overcoming that obstacle and feel more relaxed. :)

11-09-14, 12:30

That is great. I've been on holiday its just the before I go that I struggle with. Today I'm feeling trapped tearful and want to run away. I should have said no I couldn't go and am deeply regretting saying that I would go.

11-09-14, 23:55
I'm feeling the same at the moment about holidays. I have a 'big' birthday on Saturday and wanted to book a special holiday but after looking and looking I bottled it every time it came to book. So I'm not doing anything for the big day and really regret it. we are going to Cornwall in a week or so instead....nice but hardly exotic lol ...and even that is starting to make me anxious so it's not just the fear of flying I thought it might be. Good on you for taking that step and I'm sure you won't regret it once you are there laying in the sun sipping a cocktail :) x

up a ladder
12-09-14, 13:49

That is great. I've been on holiday its just the before I go that I struggle with. Today I'm feeling trapped tearful and want to run away. I should have said no I couldn't go and am deeply regretting saying that I would go.

I know that well. I have had that so many times. What gets me is that I have never had a bad flight and when I get off at the other end, I think what was I worried about. Then 7 days later I am sitting in the departure lounge coming home and panicking like hell.
If it were not for the kids, Id stick to the Isle of Wight.

12-09-14, 20:00
Hi Barney40

I can totally relate to how you're feeling. I'm always terrified of going away on holiday even if it's in this country for fear that if something happens to me that I won't be able to find help. It's very easy to become reliant on what's familiar to you.

I have only had a panic attack once on holiday and that was in Italy a few years ago. I had a massive panic attack after coming off a chair lift and I was wiped out for the rest of the day worrying I was going to die but I'm still here two years later!!

Panic/anxiety is aterrible thing but I think you have the right attitude - don't let it rule your life. I don't want to look back on my life and think of all the things I could have done but was held back by anxiety.

15-09-14, 14:19

That is great. I've been on holiday its just the before I go that I struggle with. Today I'm feeling trapped tearful and want to run away. I should have said no I couldn't go and am deeply regretting saying that I would go.

Hi Barney, I'm guessing you're experience a down day. That's when ur mind convinces you u can't really do this. Today is a bit of a down day for me. I'm in a similar position to you.
I'm going away for the weekend to London with a friend of mine.

I'm ok about the holiday but, I'm feeling a bit unsettled and not motivated to take this by both hands and really enjoy it. My anxiety bit of me is trying to kick in telling me I can't sit up straight at table to eat breakfast. Having a panic attack at the moment, sitting with strangers what might be a warm room (due to how much warmer London is to where I am). This crosses me mind and don't feel so clever. I've been ill recently too and still have a itchy throat and cough. That can increase anxiety when low in energy as well.

Funny thing is, I have moments when I think about this very fear and think, I can do this. Come on! I feel better enough with that thought in my head. Then, we go around in circles again lol. I believe anticipation is the worst thing. I'll likely get through the most difficult part of the holiday well enough. It's just the waiting for the day to come, to get on with the weekend.

Well, what can I say? distract yourself as much as you can while waiting for the holiday to come. Do anything that u enjoy, anything to pass time and distract your mind. You can make a list of worries and good things about the holiday, compare them. Then, maybe up a er... a challenge table. Take each worry individually and ask yourself, how can I get over this one. what tip/trick etc am I gonna use to make me feel easier about this worry. Apply that every worry you have. This'll make you feel better as it is cause you'll feel that you're doing something about the upcoming holiday. You'll feel more in control then and writing down worries and working them out can help. If you have any understanding, truly understandning friends, talk it out with them. If they truly understand, they can be a great help too.

Just hope you'll get there soon and have a great time and memories to take back home afterwards :)

Anxiety is horrible; it takes time to learn about our own anxieties and to see our anxiety as a small irritant; like an itch.