View Full Version : how many people here belive in ghosts?

10-09-14, 11:10
Just today i meet a girl who said she was chought by ghost fror many years. The ghost do sex with her every nights in sleeping times.all brain mri's normal .she gone to church nun said its possible.
But i did not belive it.i am thinking now if she is mad or something really happening with her.
How many people here belive in ghosts?and how many people think its just mental illness?

10-09-14, 11:47

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10-09-14, 12:08
I don't believe in them and would never say that it was a mental illness either.

10-09-14, 12:54
There is no evidence that ghosts even exist let alone that they can have sexual relations with the living.

The girl probably has a vivid imagination and the nun is driven by a belief system that accepts the existence of an afterlife - thats simply her belief, it doesn't actually make it true.

10-09-14, 13:04
I don't believe in ghosts.

If there's human ghosts then where are the dog ghosts, monkey ghosts, fly ghosts, caterpillar ghosts, giraffe ghosts. Oh right, so there are only people ghosts. That wouldn't have anything to do with our imaginations and need to make up explanations for everything to feel in control of our environments.
Ie sun and water and crop gods

Ghosts are as real as sun gods.

Could be a pile of reasons why she believes what she does.

11-09-14, 04:02
caterpillar ghosts

Perhaps thats why butterflies are associated with an anxiety symptom...they are being haunted so they fly so erratically due to anxiety? :D

---------- Post added at 04:02 ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 ----------

Do I believe in ghosts? I don't have proof they exist or not so until I see proof, I don't consider them to be in existence or not.

The same can be applied to religion.

A really don't think a nun or any religious member should be consulted as they are driven from a place of belief, not science.

Its one for a qualified medical practitioner, such as a psychologist, who will use medical science to understand and help a person.

blue moon
11-09-14, 06:08
I look like a ghost,have had flu....No Don't believe in ghosts.:)

11-09-14, 07:05
I look like a ghost,have had flu....No Don't believe in ghosts.:)

Hope you get better soon Petra :flowers:

11-09-14, 15:30
now im thinking if there are no evidance of ghosts than Where the word "GHOST" came from

11-09-14, 20:21
We don't know enough about the girl. Her age, what she's like, if there's a money making scam behind it...
I don't believe in spirits but I believe that there may be something in existance other than human spirits that cause these things. I have friends who have experienced quite interesting things. It's true that a human holds an awful lot of energy and it's hard to believe it would just...disappear. I'm divided until I experience something myself.

12-09-14, 03:54
now im thinking if there are no evidance of ghosts than Where the word "GHOST" came from

The word is very very old and can be linked to spiritual & religious beliefs.

So, back in the days when the world was flat.

They didn't have much in the way of science back then.

12-09-14, 05:46
Nope not me:scared15:

blue moon
12-09-14, 05:58
Hope you get better soon Petra :flowers:

Thank You Terry:)

12-09-14, 08:58
Today morning i had gone to church to ask church father.i told him nobody belive in ghost(even i)but told him about that girl.he said nobody had have seen GOD but everybody belive that GOD is with them.every loosser and winner remind GOD in differant ways as one that thanking to GOD and other become angry on.if we belive GOD than why not ghosts.he told me about reborn storys.
I donot know who i belive modern science or religion faiths.
I am anaxious that if that ghost may chought me.now im leaving to meet that ghosty laidy.

---------- Post added at 07:58 ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 ----------

And pancho she told me only her experinces that she was feeling.i donot think its any scam that ur thinking about.as she has a own flower shop for her money needs. I think she is really ill.

13-09-14, 03:02
I think you are right in saying she may be ill in some way and she needs to seek advice from a qualified medical practitioner who can help her recover from whatever has been affecting her.

13-09-14, 10:25
really interesting how few people believe in ghosts, I can't say I'm what I'd call a believer in the either, though I once saw something very strange that I've never managed to satisfactorily explain and still gives me chills now- so I'm not totally adverse to the idea.