View Full Version : Reading GAD article in main NMP site - sounds so familiar

10-09-14, 11:31

I'm more prone to depression than anxiety but this is all sounding so familiar.

I'm so worn down with being constantly on edge with anxiety. I'm so tired. I'm drained. Small things send me over the edge.

To know that I am not alone in feeling this way is really helpful. I feel quite isolated with it offline because of the stigma of mental health issues. But I am thankful that online I can hear that there are other people (you guys) that also experience similar things. It's not easy.

10-09-14, 12:06
The article is basically the extended definition of anxiety, so it would sound familiar to a lot of people.

Yes, this site does offer comfort in that people can come together without the fear of being stigmatised, judged or discriminated as we've all been there before. I found this site back in 2004 and it has been a massive help since, something I feel honoured to give back.

10-09-14, 12:52
Yeh I've leaned on sites like these for a long time. They're invaluable when you're feeling isolated. It's important to have a way to still feel connected to others, helps massively.

10-09-14, 14:29
Have you ever 'come out' to an employer? I'm trying to psych myself up to tell mine. I feel so much less productive than I normally am and I feel guilty.

I also don't think I can handle the amount of work she's given me. I can't work full days for her while I'm also trying to work on the other projects I've got going. I feel like I need to explain to her that I can't take it.

There isn't anything I can find online about how to tell your employer you have a mental health issue. Have you got any experiences to share?

10-09-14, 15:37
Look on Mind's website, they have a lot of information on mental illness and work.

10-09-14, 16:40
Don't know where I'd have been without this website at times! It's been a lifesaver when I've been completely desperate and I'm really very thankful for it!