View Full Version : Chain comments!

10-09-14, 14:44
So I keep seeing these chain mail comments on wesites like instagram where it says things like 'if you stop reading this you die' bladiblah and I know deep down thats its absolutely ridculous but I am freaking out about one I just saw. It basically says stuff along the lines of my mum will die in 20 days or whatever and usually I just go no this is ridiculous and just don't do it but I think because it involves my mum Its got me anxious. I know its ridiculous but does anyone else get these and how do you deal with the without letting your anxiety intervene?

10-09-14, 16:19
You can deal with them by reminding yourself that the people who write them are idiots.

10-09-14, 16:31
You can deal with them by reminding yourself that the people who write them are idiots.

Ha! Add to that, I've deleted all those comments and no one has died nor have I won a million dollars!

Positive thoughts

11-09-14, 03:04
There is a form of OCD known as Magical Thinking, where you have intrusive thoughts along these lines and conduct rituals to prevent them coming true. I have this, amongst others.

Its completely irrational yet your brain wants to do it. Its not easy to reprogramme it.

So, I can understand what you are saying, although chain letters don't interest or bother me.

No one has the power to make this come true, it would require magical abilities which no one has. Delete it and move onto something else, perhaps some form of distraction to bring your anxiety level down and then it won't matter as much to you.

blue moon
11-09-14, 06:11
Another load of bull sh.t:mad:
Terry you would get on well with my husband:D

11-09-14, 17:02
If you reply to this comment you will never have to worry about chain comments ever again. period.

11-09-14, 18:05
Well played :D

11-09-14, 20:17
If you read this your mum will not die in 20 days :) Works both ways!
If it actually happened it would be on the news or something and people wouldn't do it. The only reason people copy them is because they are scared. The reason someone makes them...they are probably a bored evil 13 year old.