View Full Version : heart

richard sharp
26-12-06, 19:44
when any of you get uneven heart rhythms does your pulse become uneven as well?

26-12-06, 22:47
Yes, my pulse gets uneven as well. I asked my dr. about it. He says sometimes you can feel the missed beats on your pulse, sometimes not. I definitely can.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

27-12-06, 20:43
Hi yes had them all the time for seven months now!

richard sharp
28-12-06, 10:48
do you find it really scary?

28-12-06, 14:44
Yes i find them extremely scary I have my results in two weeks time from a 24 hour ecg tape i had done so hopefully i will know what is going on! My own doctor feels it is anxiety but i feel these !!!are what causes my anxiety!

richard sharp
28-12-06, 16:56
my doc says its a benign arrythmia that happens more to some people as you get older. i had a 24 hour tape done about 2 years ago.