View Full Version : Had some (small) wins!

10-09-14, 16:47
I wanted to share because I'm feeling a little ridiculously proud of myself right now.

I have applied for several jobs recently but I am usually terrified of answering my phone unless I know the number so I usually let it go to voicemail and deal with it then. But yesterday I got a call and made myself answer it right away. It was for an interview (that was today).

So, I went in for the interview. I *almost* missed it entirely - it was at a middle school and I ended up going to the wrong middle school and driving around trying to figure out why I was so lost. I finally found it right on time (which felt late to me) but I made myself go in anyway. I ended up having to wait a bit anyway. The interview was kind of choppy but better than some others I've had and even though I'm not totally sure I want this job (funny hours, bad pay) or if it will even be offered to me, I went and that feels HUGE!

Granted, I still have a long way to go. I have to figure out what I want to do school-wise and not only get started but break it to my family. I have to help with school screenings at the end of the month, which is difficult because I'm not great with kids. I'm in a constant state of anxiety as to "what am I going to do?". Funny - I was in the exact same boat last year at this time and told myself "at least by this time next year you'll know...". How wrong I was!

But I guess it's the little victories for now :)

10-09-14, 17:12
Well done Poppy. Great big achievements I reckon. :yesyes:

10-09-14, 17:24
Haha I did this once! I went for an interview on James Street, and the problem with being in London is that there are a lot of James Streets, some quite close together. So I got the wrong one! Luckily I got assigned a new interview date for the next week and a different location :P

Well done for doing it! Small victories are what builds us up to feeling awesome.

10-09-14, 17:28
Congratulations!! Think of it as practice for future interviews and getting information on what you really want your career to be. Interviews are not just them getting information about you, but you getting information about the position and if it is the right fit for you.

Great work :)

10-09-14, 18:08
Go Poppy go Poppy go Poppy go (to the tune of the Little Old Lady from Pasadena)

10-09-14, 18:13
Well done Poppy :)

11-09-14, 00:49
Thanks guys :) My mother came home today and immediately started talking to me about reapplying for grad school and getting experience to do so. It's not something I want to do, but I'm terrified of bringing that up because I still haven't chosen a path and since I'm living at home again I feel like I'm overstaying my welcome by being so indecisive. I think my parents think I'm being a bit lazy, though I'm frantically trying to find something to sink my claws into. I HATE being dependent, I hate feeling like I'm trapped and I hate sitting idle.

So, naturally I'm in a constant state of stress and panic. But today I'm going to celebrate this small win. Who knows - maybe something fantastic will come along, at the right time :)

blue moon
11-09-14, 06:12
You go girl:hugs: