View Full Version : HELP! Confused and need advice!:(

10-09-14, 19:25
PLEASE HELP! Okay well I've had 'anxiety' for the last few months now and its been getting intense with the symptoms! I do have a urine infection that I'm on my second round of tablets for but I don't think that's causing the way I feel. I feel like a tension at the bottom of my rib cage and its like a hard bloated feeling, I find it difficult to breath sometimes too, in the past I've had the main symptoms being shakiness and breathing problems too. Other things like excessive sweating, weakness, breathing problems, dizzy, sicky feeling, muscle tension and a general feeling of something bad happening, however I've been making my way though things quite well but I am in a lot of uncomfortableness! I get gas like pains in my stomach a lot especially after food, it feels like I'm starving but I'm not! I have had many physical examinations and they say nothings wrong! But no matter how I think I just feel weak, unwell and like there is a crazy tension at the bottom of my rib cage and stomach, it wont go:( I've had a full blood test done and they did find a B12 deficiency however the doctor said it was only slight and won't effect me. I feel like my body is failing me I feel worse and worse each day, sometimes I think my lungs are the problems and there's something wrong with them, other times I think I'm going to stop breathing, sometimes I'm worried about going crazy or being sick, but now I have this weak, shortness of breath, lower achy pain in my bottom rib cage and tension in my stomach that's making me feel so sick! What should I do????:'(I feel crazy weak and ill, I feel like I'm dying:( I feel like I cant breath properly! Is this dangerous???
I honestly feel like I'm not breathing properly!

17-09-14, 10:02
The general rule for health anxiety sufferers is that once you've received confirmation from a Dr that he can't find anything that would be causing the physical symptoms then you need to try to convince yourself that these are only sensations of anxiety.
Everything you describe I've heard quite a few times before on this forum so that would suggest to me that now is the time to focus on getting your anxiety under control.
See your Dr for a referral to a cognitive behavioural therapist and they may prescribed some meds too.
I'd also suggest reading through the health anxiety section of this forum may help to see you're definitely not alone in feeling these things in your body.
What you're experiencing isn't dangerous, you can breathe even though you feel like you can't. But it is extremely unpleasant I know :( I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope you start to feel some recovery soon
Best wishes