View Full Version : Web Site Panic End

26-12-06, 20:22
Has anyone else ran across this web site: http://panicend.com
and, has it helped them. I have found it very informative and think it 'is' a cure to panic attacks and therefore fear. In the past I started first with panic attacks (age sixteen) then agoraphobia (five years in the house). For over forty years I have been "blessed" with anxiety and didn't know it. In these past recent years I've come to look at these attacks as gifts, instead of those dreaded, raised, ugly heads of fear.

Now at sixty-four I look forward to those gifts.


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

26-12-06, 23:53
Hi, and thanks for the link, the site looks interesting will have a look tomorrow. tc Vernon