View Full Version : optical migraine anyone?

10-09-14, 19:43
Just had my second ocular migraine has terrified me anybody else suffer from these if so how does yours go and how long does it last ,also triggers and how often please,all I could see was flashing zigzag s now eyes feel heavy and achy

10-09-14, 20:24
Is ok Julia don't be too frightened. really although unpleasant and yes, scary.... They are something that passes. In my case usually 20mins sees the flashy bits pass from one side of my eyes to the other. Sometimes one eye sometimes both, different colours.... Sometimes browns, silver, black, white. Other times blues colours as well.
After I have a nasty headache and am sensitive to light and noise. Usually though if I drink plenty and eat something if I can, I am ok after a few hours.
I sometimes think if it happens to me (which is very infrequent) it is when I am hungry.
But please don't worry too much over it. Yes it's is unpleasant and can leave you feeling iffy for a while but it isn't going to do any permanent damage.

10-09-14, 20:44
Julie I get them a lot I rembet for along time I was so svated of them they would and me in. Panic but I no what to do now I take off my shoe sit down massage the tops of my big toes and sit with my eye closed and watch it go honest it really works let me no don't try and rush it really massarg it let me no if you get hang of it. And let me if does work for you xxx

11-09-14, 00:55
I've had migraines since I was 11 (am now 23) and never used to get visual disturbances. Since about four years ago I have had exactly two migraines with visual components (one of which had wavy lines and then I had a large blind spot). Both times I was terrified - naturally - and both times I've had an awful, awful migraine. Usually I can manage with them, these times I could not. The second time I actually had to go to the ER it was so bad.

So if I ever have visual disturbances, I fully expect a panic attack.

But keep in mind that this is just part of YOUR migraine and it cannot hurt you. Migraines are different from person to person and can change as well. I'd had migraines for almost 10 years before I had any of this. The first year I had migraines I was bedridden with each one, and since then most of the time I am able to function, just at a slower and more painful pace.

Try to relax when you get them, go to a dark room and take a nap. I went through a program once where we listened to ocean or forest sounds and visualized ourselves in those places, just taking a walk, and it actually helped quite a bit.