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10-09-14, 20:36
If you feel like laughing:


Female healthanxiety
10-09-14, 21:07
Brilliant!!! Sounds like me I talk so fast in my head!

Is this an actual film?

10-09-14, 21:17
Thank you so much for this! Hannah and Her Sisters sins one of my favourite woody films and I've always sort of identified with his level of anxiety but this is so brilliant to see now. I feel you, woody. :ohmy:

10-09-14, 21:52
"I had a spot on my back"

"It was a spot on your shirt"


Woody is the king of neurosis!

Positive thoughts

11-09-14, 00:05
"Everyone was pointing there"


This is an actual film, I'm halfway through it and paused it to do work and now it's bedtime! Will have to watch the rest of it some other time

11-09-14, 00:24
Me to a tee!

11-09-14, 01:01
Thanks Lior, this really made me laugh, but at the same time, I have said all of things as well. Isn't it strange that when someone else says all of these things, but when you say them yourself, it's nothing but serious. :ohmy:

11-09-14, 02:57
Oh my God... I'm amazed as to how TRUE this is for me as well as other hypochondriacs! Really puts how you react towards certain things into perspective, eh?

11-09-14, 07:07
http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/opinion/sunday/hypochondria-an-inside-look.html?_r=0 this is a good, related read for us all too!

11-09-14, 09:04
Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

'What worries me most is winding up a vegetable — any vegetable, and that includes corn, which under happier circumstances I rather like.'

---------- Post added at 09:01 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

'I awoke at 3 a.m. with a spot on my neck that to me clearly had the earmarks of a melanoma. That it turned out to be a hickey was confirmed only later at the hospital after much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Sitting at an ungodly hour in the emergency room where my wife tried to talk me down, I was making my way through the five stages of grief and was up to either “denial” or “bargaining” when a young resident fixed me with a rather supercilious eye and said sarcastically, “Your hickey is benign.”

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 ----------

Carnation, it's funny because it's Woody Allen and he has the gift of comedic timing :) also because it's familiar... we laugh at things which we can relate to. There's a bit in the film where someone on the phone says the symptoms he's experiencing may be because of a brain tumour, and his face is just hilarious. I mean it would be so awful to have that happen to you - but because you're expecting it to be funny, it just is :)

11-09-14, 09:12
Woody is so the patron saint of anxiety. Seeing this yesterday has made me want to go dig out all of his films and I'd recommend them to everyone! (Funny ones for when we feel like this, a goal to watch the more serious ones when we kick its bum!)

“I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox.”
― Woody Allen

Have a good day everyone. Positive thoughts all round :hugs:

11-09-14, 12:32
Haha great quote. A non anxiety one: "I think people should mate for life - like Catholics or pigeons." haha

11-09-14, 16:25
I will have to watch this film again "Hannah and her sisters" I have it on tape somewhere. Woody Allen is such a talented man.
Thanks for sharing xx

11-09-14, 16:36
That was awesome. I need to show my husband ... it's totally me.