View Full Version : Heart Rate Sitting At A Desk

10-09-14, 22:05
Hi all,

So I've started to become paranoid at my heart rate whilst sitting here at my computer desk. I keep checking my rate every 5 minutes I swear to God. Anyone else feel like this? :wacko:

My question is my heart rate is fluctuating between 70~90 bpm sitting here in my office in front of my computer. Is that normal or too high? I want some piece of mind because this is driving me insane.

11-09-14, 03:10
Why? Why are you checking it? What happen? :)

Heart rate always changes, 70~90 bpm is Perfectly Normal.

11-09-14, 03:26
Because I'm a paranoid wreck and I always think there's something wrong with my heart. Lol. Thanks for your wise words. ;)

11-09-14, 21:21
no problem =], I can understand being paranoid about an important part of your body, That is normal i guess everyone is at some point, Thats why we doctors to talk to and get advice haha

you didn't say how old you where, but it doesn't matter, if your young, healthy and have no history of family heart problems chances are your heart is fine and there is nothing to worry about or get paranoid over. If your still worried get a appointment to see your Doctor. Take care

11-09-14, 21:51
Yeah. Anxiety is a horrible thing.

I'm 25 years old by the way and weigh around 140-150 lbs. My weight likes to fluctuate a lot throughout the week.