View Full Version : Feeling scared and panicky tonight

10-09-14, 22:24
Hi, just back on here after a long while doing ok. Now I feel terrible again and I'm so scared of going back to where I was. My stomach has been bad last few days, last night I was running to loo and feeling nauseous. I had had an lot of tomatoes that day, breakfast, lunch and supper, I'm thinking this might have been to blame. Tummy settled down a bit today but feels a bit funny again tonight, I am now so scared of being ill again tonight, I keep panicking and thinking I am going to be ill again. I'm on holiday and it is spoiling my time. Any help or advice would be great, I feel so bad and nervous in my stomach.

11-09-14, 00:02
Tomatoes are actually very slightly toxic, and if you touch the leaves, your supposed to wash your hands. Eating too many would cause dodgy guts. Raw ones actually make my mouth sore. No reason to worry, just avoid eating so many, perhaps. I'm a gardener, that's why I know this.

11-09-14, 09:29
Thank you so much, I feel better today, though still a bit unsettled in tum. i hadn't realised they're toxic, I love them too and grow them in the greenhouse at home, as did my dad, so know how pungent the leaves are when touched, makes sense they are toxic really. Never eaten so many in one day though so you're probably right. Thanks again.