View Full Version : Hello everyone

10-09-14, 22:46
I hope you are all as well as can be.

My username is tongue in cheek, although when in the mood (usually drunk) I did enjoy a good party.I did love music. Although, I kicked alcohol 4 months ago in an attempt to halt my looming depression and anxiety (I knew I was self medicating and was above the recommended units per week). I was drinking too try and ease stress at work and home, . I feel worse in withdrawing alcohol

SA, depression, GAD and all that fun has shackled me all my life. I'm now 48 and suffering my latest breakdown - off sick and in the stage of enormous effort to leave leave bed and showering hell.Staring at the ceiling and not wanting/feeling unable to engage with my family even.

I did have a life out there, with partner and two young boys, friends ,plus job.Now there's an impenetrable shield between me and 'normality'. It's a tough one to break.

Been stuck on seroxat for eons and it has pooped as they say. Big style. Alcohol has probably not helped either in the abusing or withdrawals.Increased dose to 30 mg about three months ago. No impact. I remember increasing to 40mg 15 year ago during a similar episode and it eventually broke through but something tells me that this drug has done its bit for me. I am so scared of withdrawals though. GP recently cold turkeyed me onto Mirtazapine recently. Hellish.
I felt hopeless.
Referral to NHS psychiatrist who wants to add pregabalin, that has sent me into a tailspin of panic

I'm hoping to find some help here and also help others where possible, but I do fear it's all a game of chance. I've tried CBT, mindfulness and have a self help library spewing out my front door. I perhaps need to try harder, but right now, cognitively and physically, I'm exhausted:):doh:

11-09-14, 08:25
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find as much help as I have. I went down the booze route too but it catches up with you eventually and I don't drink at all now. I cycle quite a lot to try and fix myself and it does help a bit. I wish you all the best.

11-09-14, 12:11
Thanks for the reply Baggs. Exercise is paramount, I agree.The bottle is certainly no answer

11-09-14, 13:16
I was in a similar place to you a few months ago,and was put on a combo of Mirt,and Venlafaxine,which got me out of depression.
You've got well before,you can do it again,I know how hard it is though,and send you my best wishes.

12-09-14, 10:57
Thanks aprilmoon.
Best wishes to you too and thanks for your understanding

12-09-14, 18:28
You've done really well to lift yourself out of the darkness to contact people on here. I'm 40 and in similar situation to you. Seemed to be immune to medication.I'm on combination of 100mg sertraline and 20mg ami. Alcohol a constant battle of quitting, failing, quitting again etc.
I don't have family like you do and my only friends and support are on here.
It's hard I know. They're trying cbt again with Me. I find it hard to be honest with professionals about my feelings in case They think I'm mad etc. My mum was sectioned more times than I can count.
I'm a person with a lot of love and warmth in my heart but my own worst enemy lol. Feel free to message if you want a chat.

13-09-14, 13:42
Cheers summer wolf

our own worst enemies eh? I can empathise. It's really difficult to switch it around - even using all the tools we are provided with.
Wouldn't it be great to just erase and start again or flick a switch? That sounds so lazy and entitled
I wish you all the best and I'm sorry that this probably doesn't help you.
See my pregabalin thread if you wish - Im giving it a go and will possibly add CBT again soonish (depending on the queue!)