View Full Version : racey heart out of no where? even wen no anxiety?

26-12-06, 23:17
ahh this scares me.. when im just laying somewhere or driving and not thinking about a dang thing i have a very racey heart....... is that dangerous? or just anxiety? cant it eventually kill you? or give u a heart condition? thats alot of strain on your heart i would say

any one? help me?

brandon town

27-12-06, 04:36
Hi. I sometimes get a racing heart for no reason. My heart will be beating normally and then it will just suddenly beat really fast as if I have been running when I haven't even moved! I used to be worried about it but I have had an ECG and everything was fine so I try not to let it bother me now. My Doctor told me that I must be sensitive to chemical changes in my body which sets it off. I don't think it is harmful as long as there are no other symptoms (like blackouts for example)! :D

27-12-06, 21:26
There is never no reason for your heart racing. Something is setting it off, even if you are not aware of it. It may be a thought, a smell, a sensation or a chemical reaction in your body.
What ever sets if off, it won't kill you, it won't lead to heart-sickness and even though it is a strain on the heart, the heart is built to cope with these things and it will continue to work for you.
Try to just relax and let it race and eventually it will settle down on its own.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

27-12-06, 22:43
Im sure its anxiety, but no harm done in getting it checked

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Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x

29-12-06, 03:08
Anxiety will do that to you.
Even though you feel great the subconscious mind is still working away at worrying and causing anxiety without you realising until the symptoms hit.

Don't believe everything you think.

15-01-07, 09:31
Hi there
Ive been getting weird heartbeats as if i can hear everyone is this similar toyou? Also how long does yours llast really scaring me now wish it would stop.
Take care

15-01-07, 10:02
Remember that anxiety often comes out when we are relaxed!!!