View Full Version : Think I have a brain Tumour

11-09-14, 12:43
Ok I am going to cut to the chase, I feel an absoloute mess with worry ad anxiety, I am sure I have a brain tumour, since Monday my head has felt weird, on and off head aches normally front of head and around temples.

Its not really bad but its enough to make me feel sick with worry, when I don't have these headaches or strains I feel calm and relaxed, then bang they will come on from no where and last bewtween 10 to 15 minutes and then I manage to get rid of them and calm myself I've been under stress lately with my brother being sectioned in a mental hospital but I am debating wheather to go up to the hospital now and tell them what is going on as I believe it will spread to other parts of my body and I will be dead very very soon.

I was fine about 20 mins ago now I feel like I just want to run and keep running away from everything as I know I will be dead very soon!

11-09-14, 12:47
Why not pop and see the doctor but it certainly doesn't sound like a brain tumour to me at all.

Maybe tension headaches or a sinus problem

11-09-14, 12:57
Thank You :)

Okay, I now feel a litter more calmer and relaxed and my head seems to be a little better now.

Does this sound anything like a Brain Tumour, Like I said I have been under a lot of stress and had bad insomnia because of worry, I would say they are just mild headaches/strains around temples and forehead and last 10 mins to 15, could this be a brain tumour or just due to alot of stress? Last week I did have a bad cold but that has cleared up if that is any help?

Thank You

11-09-14, 12:58
I know how you feel. I've been suffering from daily headaches for months but if you had a brain tumour, surely you could be in constant pain rather than on and off?

I have also been told that it wouldn't just be a headache, you would be fitting or having more severe symptoms.

Definitely a trip to the doctors is in order but that's more to reassure you and maybe help you with your anxiety.

11-09-14, 13:02
Yes that is what I was thinking aswell, they would not be on and off and more severe, but with my anxiety it is hard to convince myself, thinking about drs tomorrow just to find out but, maybe if a doctor tells me it is nothing to worry about I may stop having them :(

11-09-14, 13:03
I know two people who have had brain tumours - both still alive as well I hasten to add!

One had a seizure and the other had such severe headaches they were in agony and pain killers didn't touch it

Yours does not sound like that at all

11-09-14, 13:03
Are you drinking enough water as well?

11-09-14, 13:07
I did the same thing this morning, I was convinced I had a brain tumour but now I've calmed down and thought things through I've told myself that there are much more reasonable explanations.

Brain tumours don't just come and go so I'm sure the symptoms will be there constantly. I've had them everyday for months now and I've seen two doctors a few times and I'm told it's tension headaches through my anxiety and they won't go until my anxiety does.

11-09-14, 13:11
Nicola - Thank you for the comments and I normally drink 8 pints a day but this week due to my worries i've only had a about 2 glasses a day, also Saturday was my brothers wedding so I did drink a bit too much and had a really bad hangover on Sunday ( do not normally drink, but was a special occasion)

Steph - That is like me, calmed down now and thinking more logically but still unable to convince myself 100%, going to go docs tomorrow just to put my mind at rest, but thinking the worse.

11-09-14, 13:29
Noooooooooooo you must not think the worst - that is not the right thing to do as it reinforces your thoughts.

You must think positively that nothing serious is wrong with you.

Drink some more water as well

11-09-14, 13:34
Nicola is right and I now how hard it is not to think the worst (I do it all the time!) but I have been told that brain tumours are rare, you would have more severe symptoms and I have also been told that the most common things doctors see people for are headaches!

So... headaches are very common, especially with anxiety and they are rare.

11-09-14, 15:35
Thanks guys, feel alot more calmer now you have said that my symptoms do not sound like a tumour, still going to docs tormorrow for my own piece of mind, will let you know the outcome!

11-09-14, 15:41
How on earth did you manage to get an appointment tomorrow :roflmao:

we have to wait at least 3 weeks here!

11-09-14, 20:25
I've been dealing with brain tumor anxiety for the last several months. Based on the fact that your headaches come and go, I can positively tell you that you don't have a brain tumor. The headaches associated with it are SEVERE and actually cause nausea and vomiting. Y'see that's something I discovered a couple of days ago. Dr. Google will tell you that the symptoms involve headaches, nausea, vomiting, double vision, etc. It doesn't tell you that the headaches have to be severe enough to cause things like that.

Anyways I'm positive you're fine, :)

11-09-14, 20:31
Sounds like a tension / stress headache to me.

12-09-14, 10:24
Just got back from the docs and just what you guys said, stress and tension causing it, done eye test and balance test etc and was all fine, just told me to relax more and also get out and do more excercise! :yesyes:

but now I am constantly checking my balance to see if there is even a slight bit of unsteadiness... Oh anxiety why do this to me!!

But positive thoughts from now on!

12-09-14, 15:48
brain tumors typically present themselves with other finding of neurological background. Seizures, loss of limb use, major disturbances in your vision, loss of hearing, un able to balance (not just vertigo by the way, I mean major loss of the ability to walk). Things of that nature. While headaches maybe present, they tend to be worse in the morning, than get better as the day goes on, they do not come in spurts. headaches typically develop AFTER the other symptoms mentioned above. Keep in mind, I am not talking about seeing a few white spots or black spots in your vision here or there, I am talking about being un able to see out of one eye or double/triple vision. I get daily headaches, come and go, temple and front of head. Totally tension headaches.

You also have to remember that brain tumors share the symptoms of sooooo many other diseases. The chance of an actual brain tumor is so slim, that would not even be the docs first thought.

Its hard to think rational, I am thinking something neurological is wrong with me at the moment due to a muscle twitch in my ear, been there for the past month and it freaks me out! Doc said to stay calm.... LOL Easier said than done.