View Full Version : Feeling light headed while giving blood? Is this normal?

11-09-14, 14:41
Hi all, :)

I would have bumped my previous thread up but it doesnt seem to open for some odd reason,

Anyway, I fainted for the first time ever on Monday the 1st,
Today I was meant to give blood, fasting for 12 hours, the nurse struggled to find my vein, she pricked me twice, it worked on the 3rd try, but the blood was taking quite long to suck up,

I felt light headed again, same as how I felt before I fainted last Monday,
But luckily I did not faint, however she stopped as soon as I told her I felt faint, and didn't get to finish, I have to go back! :(

Could this be connected to Epilepsy? as its the second time?

11-09-14, 14:44
Nope it is connected to not having any food for 12 hours and I used to have to lay down for blood tests or I would feel faint / light-headed every time.

11-09-14, 14:50
Nope it is connected to not having any food for 12 hours and I used to have to lay down for blood tests or I would feel faint / light-headed every time.

Oh that Is good to know, Its the worst feeling aint it?

I don't know what is happening though, I gave blood twice 3 years ago, and I felt nothing,

Why light-headed all of a sudden?

11-09-14, 14:51
There is no reason for it that I can find as now I am fine and can sit up whilst doing blood tests.

Do you watch them do it as I can't look lol

11-09-14, 15:02
There is no reason for it that I can find as now I am fine and can sit up whilst doing blood tests.

Do you watch them do it as I can't look lol

Oh right, hopefully it won't happen again next week! This is all very new to me!

I did have my head turned, but may have got a good look in once or twice! :winks:

11-09-14, 15:08
Why are you having so many blood tests can I ask?

Don't look - that may be making you feel faint lol

11-09-14, 18:40
Just the 1 blood test this year in 3 years, the last two was something to do with my bladder! :)

Sorry about this, but I have some more questions to ask. :)

1. Is it a good sign that I haven't fainted since Monday the 1st September?

2. Will a near fainting experience today, nearly 2 weeks after the 1st proper faint trick my brain into thinking that this is normal and make me faint anywhere or while driving?

12-09-14, 23:08
Just the 1 blood test this year in 3 years, the last two was something to do with my bladder! :)

Sorry about this, but I have some more questions to ask. :)

1. Is it a good sign that I haven't fainted since Monday the 1st September?

2. Will a near fainting experience today, nearly 2 weeks after the 1st proper faint trick my brain into thinking that this is normal and make me faint anywhere or while driving?

Still a bit anxious about these questions!
If anyone could advice or reassure, that would be great! :)