View Full Version : Deep pain in calf - scared :(

11-09-14, 16:09
I recently hurt my back, sciatica down my leg, that was almost 2 weeks ago and I am going for MRI and to see a spine specialist next week.

I noticed calf pain with the back injury but it was manageable, just annoying - Tuesday I tried to work out very lightly. I woke up yesterday morning (Wednesday) with bad calf pain and its still there today. I have been using heat and advil but am really scared this is some sort of DVT. I do not have redness, swelling nor is the leg hot to the touch but its really freaking me out. It hurts to walk but does not hurt at rest, just when walking.

Am I being totally irrational? Does it sound like I just strained my muscle or that this could be something more? I mean, it REALLY hurts to walk. To the point where I try to keep my foot flat and not point the toes.

:weep: Just wish I was better ~

11-09-14, 16:22
Yes, I would say you're being a little irrational ;) You more than likely have some trauma and swelling to the area thus the sciatica. Two weeks was probably a little too soon to get back to working out, albeit lightly.

Positive thoughts

11-09-14, 18:29
Thanks, I figured as much. Now to make my rational brain over power the irrational... thus the challenge we all seem to face lol !

11-09-14, 18:51
I agree with Fishmanpa, sounds like your thoughts have dragged you back in! Definitely too soon to start any sort of work out also!! Soft tissue injuries (especially thigh and calf injuries in my experience from many a football injury) can take months before it is "safe to go back into the water" so to speak! Plus focusing and hypersensitivity will not be helping either! Combat the irrational thoughts and before you know it you'll be right as rain!

Oh and by the way it sounds exactly like a strained muscle!!

11-09-14, 18:59
I had a small clot in New York 3 years ago after my first ever plane journey. I was stupid and never saw a dr there as didn't want to ruin my holidays but luckily it broke up by itself. I had agony on walking, every step was like my calf was being hit by a sledgehammer, it was red and blotchy, like when you have been stood in front of a fire too long, it was hot to the touch and the calf muscle was firm. Pain was awful!!

anx mum
11-09-14, 20:35
Dolphin- I really feel for you only just had this problem was really scared I had a dvt went to numerous docs, hospitals. My calf has seemed better this week been having physio ultrasound on my back and the pain in my calf has seemed better good luck with it mine has been diagnoised as scatica

12-09-14, 16:14
I have sciatica, was just diagnosed. pain in my thigh, and foot. Pain started in calf a bit but has gotten worse since I went back to the doc. Its not red, or hot, not swollen at all either. Just pain. Hmmmmm so maybe I hurt the muscle or maybe its the sciatica too. UGH!

Thank you all :)