View Full Version : 9/11

11-09-14, 16:14
Today I had a woman ask me for the date and I was surprised. Even when I said "September 11th," I just noticed how much meaning the words carry over here. I was surprised she didn't know. But after I said it, a couple people knowingly nodded and looked sad.

I don't know if anybody here lost somebody in the attacks, but just wanted to say I am so sorry to those who did. It's a day I'll never forget.

I was only 13 when it happened. I don't remember most days from back then, but I remember almost every minute of this one. I remember being at school and where I live, a lot of kids had parents who commuted to NYC for work. My uncle was supposed to work in the WTC that day and didn't go to work for some reason. They didn't tell us what happened but kids were just picked up and brought home without knowing why. Teachers were crying in the hallway but weren't allowed to tell us why, maybe because we were younger. My sisters were in high school and they watched everything. Rumors were running all over the place because we just didn't know and were scared.

So I got home and it was a gorgeous day. My mom was in the back with her feet in the pool and I asked what happened and she told me. I still couldn't believe it. My aunt was flying from Boston to LA on a different flight, but we had no way of knowing where she was and all the planes were grounded ... people didn't have cell phones like they do now. Some did, but it was different. Luckily she was ok.

I watched the coverage and it was just so shocking. We don't live far from the city and have so many pictures with the towers in them. Looking at those pictures now makes me think they are like ghosts. It's very surreal sometimes.

And after that the whole world changed in so many ways. The stuff happening with ISIS now feels all too familiar, even though I truly believe we are safer now than in the past.

Again, to everybody who lost somebody, I am thinking of you today. :hugs:

11-09-14, 17:08
I had not lost anbody here but now thinking about mad osama bin laden who was killed and new osamas who are soo mad than osama.i donot know why they are killing innocent people?

11-09-14, 21:06
I don't know, it's hard to wrap your head around. I'm sure there are people out there who think the same about America though too. I guess it's all perspective. But it doesn't mean killing innocent people under any circumstances is ok.

12-09-14, 04:03
I can remember watching it on the news as well. Everybody where I work were just sitting watching it in disbelief.

One of the guys had friends who had flown to NY that week so he was very worried about them. He should have gone with them. They were all ok though.

We had the London bombings as well which have the same significance to us.

There have been various arrests in the UK and quite scarily, there was a doctor arrested on terror charges less than 2 miles from where I live. There was a group of them spread out and the arrests came not long after the Glasgow airport bombing.

I guess we have various events like this in the UK as we had the situation in Northern Ireland but most of them are not remembered or if they are its more locally, but when 9/11 happened this started to change.

Innocent people have been the targets for a long time, Northern Ireland & the UK for instance and the horrible situation in the Middle East which seems will be going on for some generations yet. The current situation with ISIS is awful, as was the situation in Syria and then there are the African nations which tend to get less support.

Something to think about - some of those same leaders in terrorism in Northern Ireland are now a legitimate political party.

12-09-14, 05:03
Yes, I remember the London bombings ... I had friends who were over doing a trip around Europe and they weren't able to go to London because of it. I don't know a lot about the situation in Northern Ireland, but will have to research it.

The world we live in can be a wonderful place but can also be so sad and hard to understand as well.

12-09-14, 07:46
9/11 is happening daily in the areas of earth.terorist are not headache for a single country but also for all world.if any terorist will meet me than i suerly ask him why they do these mad things?

---------- Post added at 06:46 ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 ----------

I definatly ask him about why they not reading "live and let live".