View Full Version : Hello, feel like me ?

11-09-14, 20:57
Hi everyone, I've just joined, I suffer from depression, social and health anxiety and slight OCD.

I've felt like this for as long as I can remember, often things will happen in my life that trigger everything off and my world comes crashing down, i worry about multiple outcomes to different life situation and when things go wrong my thoughts plague my mind for days maybe weeks and I'm always full of what ifs...

ive thought of suicide several times and almost attempted it twice, just looking for support, help and hopefully to make some new friends ?


11-09-14, 21:37
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.

11-09-14, 23:36
I have had this all my life. If I had a time machine the one thing I would do is make life more simple. I am trying that now. I get easily overwhelmed, like a lot of people here. I am trying quiet meditation in a dark room.

Anyway, people talk with each other and it helps.