View Full Version : Nervous!

12-09-14, 11:22
I have a horrible nervous energy about me today - a feeling I hate. I woke up this morning and the first thing my other half says is that I look really pale. He isn't wrong! I have a grey tinge to my skin & I look ill. My work colleagues have said I look washed out. I don't feel ill but I don't feel quite right.... if that makes sense :wacko:! I've done 3 nights of intense exercise & I normally feel bright & full of energy (the reason I do it) but unusually I feel the complete opposite. My head is full of rubbish, I'm irritable, my body feels broken & I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm at work & managing to plod on but I just feel like screaming. :curse: - rant over!!! xx

17-09-14, 09:27
poor thing it sounds like you've a) over done the exercise if it's not normal for you to do that much in a row? b) picked up a virus that is causing your body to shut down a bit so you can fight it.

would say just take paracetamol if you are achey, drink lots of fluids/herbal teas and get an early night.
Hopefully it'll blow over soon

17-09-14, 11:43
i normally find that once someone says to you 'you look pale' or you 'dont look well' then you start to feel ill, or thats how it is with me any way!

17-09-14, 11:55
Thanks guys,

Vicky: it is an abnormal/new routine for me. I used to to do Mon, Tues & Thurs but now I'm doing Tues, Wed, Thurs - so no break inbetween days. You may be right in that I'm not giving my body a chance to recover & it's struggling with the intensity of what I'm doing. Once my body gets used to it, I'm hoping it'll adjust.

James: You're right! I've become a bit obsessed with my complexion lately. Am I pale? Do I have dark circles under my eyes? Blah, blah!! One of the ladies at my zumba class told me last night that I was looking slimmer. Logic should tell me it's because I've been exercising more but irrational be thinks 'crap - what's wrong'!!! Isn't anxiety great!!! xx

17-09-14, 19:26
It sounds to me like you are overtired, relax and pamper yourself a bit :)