View Full Version : Bleeding gums -im really scared

12-09-14, 16:24
I am really feeling anxious ...when i brush my teeth my gums bleed,im so scared something is seriously wrong,and big confession time ive not been to the dentist in a long long time,,the thought of going makes me sick to my....

ive not exactly helped matters by not going to the dentist,and when ive been really depressed ive not looked after myself properly....

im so frightened that ive got bad gum disease md my teeth are all going to fall out.......im frightened to go to the dentist because im afraid of being told off :( ........

what should i do ???? please help!!!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

12-09-14, 16:40
I am really feeling anxious ...when i brush my teeth my gums bleed,im so scared something is seriously wrong,and big confession time ive not been to the dentist in a long long time,,the thought of going makes me sick to my....

ive not exactly helped matters by not going to the dentist,and when ive been really depressed ive not looked after myself properly....

im so frightened that ive got bad gum disease md my teeth are all going to fall out.......im frightened to go to the dentist because im afraid of being told off :( ........

what should i do ???? please help!!!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

Well... what do expect one to say? Bite the bullet (not too hard!), go to the dentist and start taking care of yourself. No better chance than the here and now!

Positive thoughts

12-09-14, 16:53
Well yes, your teeth will all fall out eventually if you don't do something about it - so do something about it. Go to the hygienist.

Periodontal disease is completely reversible with the right care.

12-09-14, 17:32
If you go to the phobias section and search, there are tons of us here who are afraid of going to the dentist and bit the bullet and went. Honestly it is rarely as bad as you think it will be. And whatever condition your gums are in will just get worse if you don't go,leading to more worry for you.

12-09-14, 18:12
Try using a medicinal mouthwash (Cordicyl I think) and brush more regularly and better. Bleeding gums is the first sign of gum disease so you'll want to up the brushing for a while.

12-09-14, 19:28
it,s a touch of gum desease. there is a mouthwas good for it. beginning with a c

12-09-14, 19:43
Rinses and such are all fine and good and it's most likely some minor gum disease, but a dental check-up is in order first.

Positive thoughts

12-09-14, 23:07
I am really feeling anxious ...when i brush my teeth my gums bleed,im so scared something is seriously wrong,and big confession time ive not been to the dentist in a long long time,,the thought of going makes me sick to my....

ive not exactly helped matters by not going to the dentist,and when ive been really depressed ive not looked after myself properly....

im so frightened that ive got bad gum disease md my teeth are all going to fall out.......im frightened to go to the dentist because im afraid of being told off :( ........

what should i do ???? please help!!!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

Ironically this was one of my exact concerns, I'll be 100% honest and say my dental hygiene is none existant (meaning I brush maybe once or twice a year) Horrible to say but I just can't pull myself round to doing it. 3 Days ago I bit the bullet as they said - I had what I thought was an ulcer growing... it was painful and I said look I need an appointment... well I've been the the dentist 3 times in the past 6 years... last time I went they took a dead tooth out and I swear the woman was a butcher.. felt like she was pulling my face off...

So anyways I went and I said look I have anxiety and I also have dental anxiety, can you just take it slow, and they did.. it was brilliant, they took xrays of my mouth, prodded at all my teeth and said "I can't believe your teeth are in as good as condition as they are for the state of your gums" I was like whats wrong with my gums? she said you know when you press them / brush them and they bleed.. I said yeah, she said you have marginal gingivitis. Brush them 2 x a day, for atleast 2 minutes from now on and rinse your mouth out with corsodyl and when you come back in 2-3 weeks I bet its all nearly gone"

"Chronic marginal gingivitis is defined as inflammation of the marginal gingival tissues and is characterised by redness, swelling and bleeding. It is essentially a reversible condition."

so I'm doing it.. the thing is... unless your gums are lowering down into the teeth (so your teeth are becoming really long (looks long because the gum has died) then your fine, buy some corsodyl and brush 2x a day and I bet the bleeding stops! :) (and please I know its scary as hell, but I bet you'll be fine :) )