View Full Version : Wish me all the luck in the world!

12-09-14, 17:42
The time has come, tomorrow morning I have my neurologist appointment. Let's see if my brain tumour fears are a reality :(

12-09-14, 17:58
Good luck, keep us posted!

12-09-14, 22:14
I was going to message u to wish u luck! Good luck x

13-09-14, 09:55
Thanks everyone just got back I'm so lightheaded. My specialist is so lovely and was very understanding. My neurogical exam itself was normal so that's good and he had a good look behind my eyes which he said was normal also but he is concerned with my symptoms. He thinks it could be migraines, sinus or neck issues. But he's doing a head and neck MRI as he needs to rule out a cyst or tumour due to the severity of the symptoms :( he's also sending a letter to my doc on what migraine tablets to put me on so hopefully they will make a difference. I just want the scan ASAP now x

13-09-14, 11:27
GOOD LUCK Avasmummy :hugs:

13-09-14, 12:23
Thanks I feel awful today so defo hope the scan referral comes quick x

13-09-14, 15:01
Glad he thinks everything looks normal. Hopefully the MRI will give you an answer or at least some relief. Migraines and sinus problems can make you feel like absolute hell! I hope you feel better.

13-09-14, 15:57
Thanks I hope it's a sinus issue! I've been really bad with it today lightheaded and feeling really sick just laying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself!

13-09-14, 16:45
Good luck from me for next.

13-09-14, 19:13
Glad to hear that your neurological exam went well! Take some comfort in knowing that since that went well, the odds of an MRI being bad is none. The exam picks up a LOT of stuff that you may not know about! I hope you can get to the bottom of your issues soon, :) If it makes you feel any better, my funky symptoms are because of my neck. That can make a whole load of things go out of whack.

14-09-14, 12:11
Glad to hear that your neurological exam went well! Take some comfort in knowing that since that went well, the odds of an MRI being bad is none. The exam picks up a LOT of stuff that you may not know about! I hope you can get to the bottom of your issues soon, :) If it makes you feel any better, my funky symptoms are because of my neck. That can make a whole load of things go out of whack.

Thanks I take a lot of comfort in knowing a lot is picked up in the exam. I think it's the lightheartedness and spaced out feeling I struggle with the most. It makes daily life a battle x

14-09-14, 15:04
I have that all the time with my sinus issues and it scares me too, although I have been reassured that I just have sinus problems due to chronic allergies. It feels like so much worse though, doesn't it? Pain, headache, dizziness, heaviness ... Migraines can cause a lot of pain too - My sister's arm goes numb when she gets migraines, but MRI cleared her of anything else. It's crazy how these benign things can affect us so much.