View Full Version : Does any one get these symptoms?

12-09-14, 21:48

Just wanted to know if anyone gets theses symptoms.....

every now and again a feeling of shaking inside?
legs or arms/both feel floppy/no feeling then it passes?

theses are new symptoms for me ;-(

13-09-14, 03:17
Hi Kelly,

Yes, the shaking inside thing is something I have suffered from the beginning. I believe it is a very common one due to the adrenaline. It was described as bees inside you by a member of here a while back and that fits well.

13-09-14, 14:10
Hi Kelly

I also get shaking inside occasionally it's just adrenaline cannot hurt you but feels horrible

13-09-14, 17:31
Hi Kelly, I often experience this. It sometimes feels like a tremble. It only lasts for a little while then it disappears. It's very strange but I guess it has something to do with adrenaline.

Seamus Ireland
16-09-14, 03:04
Hi Kelly12,

Yes its a horrible feeling but perfectly harmless, when we get overwhelmed by frightening thoughts our mind goes into Flight or Flight mode our bodies then get ready to run away or fight the perceived danger by releasing a surge of adrenaline which increases our heart & respiration rate in order to provide our muscles with rich oxygenated blood to help us fight or run away from danger. Early man needed these feelings to protect it from wild animals Lions, Bears etc.... we are unlikely to ever encounter any of the dangers early man did but unfortunately we haven't evolved at the pace that modern day living has. Our common day threats are stuff like bills, job loss, relationship breakdowns, missing the next train etc our body's just react in the same way to those things as early man's did to Lions, Bears or snakes. If you continue to get overwhelmed by such feelings ask your GP for Propranolol LA which should drastically reduce the symptoms you're experiencing.

Take Care.

17-09-14, 17:43
Hi Kelly I have just been back to my GP and have been given propranolol which is a beta blocker and fingers crossed I am not shaking my concentration has come back and this was all within one hour.

I suffer from anxiety however I was recovering very well until 9 weeks ago my younger brother took his own life. After 5 weeks of getting on with things I suddenly felt my anxiety rushing back. My GP told me this is a different type of anxiety brought on by trauma and he did not want to increase my citalopram from 30 to 40mg but instead he wanted to give me beta blockers and at this point I can say they work :)