View Full Version : Really suffering, is it real or all just in my head?

13-09-14, 00:43
Hi there, this is the very first time I have posted! I keep coming on here and as much as I would not wish health anxiety on anyone, it's a huge comfort to know I'm not alone.
Well here goes, I have had health anxiety for many years and since having my children it has spiralled totally out of control! I don't need to go into great detail because I'm sure everything I have gone through I'm sure many have you have been the same! I have a massive phobia of getting cancer, I have had many tests for different things! I drive myself crazy with it, I have had cbt which makes a lot of sense when I'm ok but when I am having a panic everything I have learnt goes out of the window!
Anyway my current problem is one side of my throat, I keep getting a strange feeling almost painful, and if I focus on it enough it feels like I have a lump there, I have had it for months! I have been to the docs and she said I am fine and perscribed me with anti GERD meds! She said if I still have it in a month to come back and she will refer me for a ( can't remember the name) but basically a camera down my throat! She is well aware of my HA and said she doesn't really want to go down this route because it's rather invasive! I have read somewhere about globus ?????? Something to do with anxiety! Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am a singer and people keep telling me it's vocal strain, but I just worry so much because this feeling has been there for months then I go google throat cancer and get myself in a right state! I know I know Google is my enemy!
What I'm asking is, is this a typical symptom of HA? I am so worried, this feeling sucks so much, I would appreciate any advice! Thank you Amanda xx

13-09-14, 02:08
Yes Thecooke79 this feeling in your throat is familiar to me and i have also been told its due to anxiety and been given omeprazole for gerd. The more i think about it and focus on it the stronger the feeling of something in my throat gets. So i try to distract myself, it eventually passes. Also, I stopped googling symptoms 2 weeks ago and just refer back to this site and forum, all my symptoms are explained very thoroughly here and I get much comfort knowing how I'm feeling is caused by anxiety. Hope you feel better soon :)

25-09-14, 14:11
Stickbait, you helped me so much with your reply and believe it or not my symptoms actually went away for a few days, but sadly my throat feels the same again now! I have been taking my anti GERD meds but it hasn't changed anything! I have stopped googling and seeking reassurance from others but the truth is I am driving myself crazy about this! I must think about my throat at least 90% of my day!
I keep also thinking that if my doc really had any concerns about cancer she wouldn't leave me this long would she?
I also keep getting little spots on my tongue which can become quiet sore, and I tend to wake up with a mild sore throat just that one side but usually fades by lunch time then I'm just left with the strange lump sore feeling the rest of the time! I really am driving myself crazy about this, if anyone could help me I would be so greatful for any advice thank you,