View Full Version : Petrified of going to the doctors

Cell block H fan
13-09-14, 09:35
I know I have to go there on monday & it's filling me with dread! I not only get health anxiety but anxiety of doctors. And it just had to be the most embarrassing place ever that I am seeing them about.
I posted about this months ago & should have gone then, things have got worse & I now think this problem has got worse.
Petrified of showing the doctor, I haven't even looked myself, I am too chicken to. But I know it's all swollen down there because I can feel myself walking weird!
I just know deep down I have one of the most embarrassing cancers possible & it's going to be awful :weep: I'll have to lie probably to people & say it's something else.
And if it's not something like that, & to do with menopause (period is now 2 weeks late again & no, not pregnant, not had sex for 2 years) then why can't I have just hot flushes like everyone else!! No not me, I have to get the freaky embarrassing symptoms!
Sorry, I am angry & venting. If I am going to get something I want problems north of my tummy not south!

13-09-14, 10:33
H- hope you're ok. The waiting for these appointments is often the worst bit because u imagine the worst. Just try and remember that the docs see these things all the time and there's nothing to feel embarrassed about plus once you have some answers you will be ae to treat the problems and hopefully be free of them abd the worry that goes with them. I feel like pretty much the whole if my local hospital had a look and a prod around my bits the other day, there's no dignity when is comes to problems down south ;) x

13-09-14, 12:40
I do feel for you - have been there and done all of that! I am now past menopause and can tell you I did not have a hot flush all the way through - not one! - but problems 'in the southern region'? Every one in the book! :) It is SO unlikely to be a cancer - there is any number of innocent explanations, and like Cambrian says, the doctors see this all the time so don't feel embarrassed - you are now seeking help for your discomfort, which is the main thing.

Just to (hopefully) make you smile, I was referred to the gynaecology department once for an internal examination and the nurse asked if i would mind medical students (all female) attending with the consultant. Like a lemon I said that was fine. I was then placed in this completely new state-of-the-art examination chair and the consultant told me i was his first patient in it. It had a remote control to adjust the angle and the consultant had just enough time to say "I can't quite remember how to do this", before he pressed the wrong button and nearly tipped me out of the chair backwards, legs flailing in the air, four medical students and two nurses in a row behind him watching in horror. We did all see the funny side and had a laugh - it certainly did break the ice, I can tell you.

Anyway - best of luck for Monday and remember that you will feel so much better once you are on your way to sorting this. Big hugs from Annie :hugs: