View Full Version : can this happen

13-09-14, 09:54
Hello there a couple of days ago my heart thumped very quickly for a few seconds then that was it it wasn't very nice but felt ok after then a couple of days later which was yesterday I come over very ill out of nowhere ( felt sick dizzy light headed sweating cold headache and weird mouth and just terrible ) I had to lay down for the rest of the day my legs felt they wouldn't work and ached , today I've got no energy but feel a bit better just don't want to do anything I have had this before but all at the same time the heart thumping and the other symptoms never a couple of days apart I have only had it once before which I spent a week in bed it was a lot worse , I was told by a cbt therapist it was a panic attack but this was different it wasn't all at the same time so I'm not sure if this is the same if not is it just a build up of anxiety I'm not sure , would anyone know thanks x

Seamus Ireland
14-09-14, 03:46
Hi Jackieann3,

yes your CBT Therapist is correct its likely to be a quick sharp release of adrenaline which caused your heart to beat hard, are you a persistent worrier? do you constantly feel your health is under threat? The human heart is an extremely powerful pump its incredibly strong and when your worrying excessively your body can release a surge of adrenaline which causes you're heart to thump hard, its a perfectly healthy and natural response to worry & stress its a flight or fight response you can google Flight or Fight response for further information. If you're really concerned about your heart health visit your GP and request an ECG, Stress Test or 24 Hour holter monitor, stick with your CBT Therapist and you'll be enjoying your life again soon.

14-09-14, 09:38
Thanks for your reply Seamus yes I am a constant worryer I always have been it just seemed strange that I had the heart thumps and the what I call after symptoms a couple of days later , I'm still in bed now from it with no energy and weak legs and all that and also I wasn't or had been worrying about anything particular it just happened out the blue but I suppose it could of been delayed anxiety if that's possible, anyway thanks again for your thoughts x