View Full Version : Acid, Reflux, Making, Me, Panic!

13-09-14, 16:23
Hi Everyone

I had my breakfast this morning and went for a brisk walk on returning to home I could feel the acid reflux come up my throat, so uncomfortable so I took my 20mg of omeprazole and lay down with three pillows to try and get this shifted, i also had a glass of milk to no prevail...

2 hours later I phoned the nhs 24 for some medicine advice to see if I could take 10ml of gaviscon after taking omeprazole which they replied yes.

So far so good but I'm starting to panic because my throat feels like it's tightening up :ohmy:

Has anyone else experienced this with acid reflux??

I'm getting so worked up it's unreal!!

Just to note: I have a haitel hernia too

Please your info would really appreciated



13-09-14, 18:23
Hi Pete, I take zantac for acid reflux. It is similar to omeprazole.
I think the hernia thing you mentioned must have something to do with the
trouble you are having.
Do you think a visit to your GP would help? Maybe they could give you something
different. I have tried gaviscon in the past. It made me feel worse, like a hotness
I did not like, and it did not work.
I do sympathise as the reflux is horrible. Sorry I can not be of more help .

13-09-14, 18:51
Oh my, we are absolutely in the same boat! I have been having these problems for months now, fretting about all sorts of worst case scenarios. I cannot give you any practical advice, but I want you to know that I really understand. Sometimes it's hard to explain all that to non-sufferers, really. I am sending a big hug. Please, try not to panic, as stress is only worsening the problem. Be nice to yourself. You are not alone in this.

13-09-14, 19:11
Wow I thought I was alone with the shortness of breath with acid reflux! I get the same thing off and on, usually taking some kind of acid reducer helps it go away after a while.

Seamus Ireland
14-09-14, 03:04
Hello Petesy,

What did you eat for breakfast? Your diet plays a major part in controlling Acid Reflux. Also you could ask your GP for Lansoprazole its a highly effective Drug for decreasing the amount of acid your stomach produces. Petesy you also said "So far so good but I'm starting to panic becuase my throat feels like its tightening up actually its really becuase your already panicking that your throat feels like its closing over, its a symptom of your panicking so if you figure out whats causing you to panic you will avoid the feelings of your throat closing over. Im guessing its anticipatory anxiety that causes you to panic.......... something like this 1. Oh dear I feel Reflux coming on again 2. Oh I hate this feeling 3. Ahhh its getting worse 4. Oh I hope my throat doesn't begin to tighten up again I really get scared when that happens 4. I think my throat is tightening up 5. Yes its getting tighter. This is the circle of thinking you are experiencing Petesy so by rationalising your thinking and feelings next time you can stop the feeling of your throat tightening up try this next time - I am feeling the symptoms of Reflux coming on again I've experienced these symptoms before its annoying & causes discomfort but its not life threatening its simply my stomach producing too much acid im perfectly safe and these feelings will pass shortly

Hope I have helped some.

14-09-14, 08:46
I get acid reflux quite a lot mainly down to the things I eat, I e acidy food fizzy drinks I stay away from these as much as I can

14-09-14, 17:57
Thanks for your kind replies everyone

Magic: I think it's the hernia too my g.p is thinking about another endoscopy to check things out, hate them feel as if they're killing me while I'm watching my insides. I'll have a word with him about other meds too :hugs:

Majdle: it's really horrible I know, I'm sorry you're getting this too, and I hear you on the worst scenarios that's what I've been doing can't help it, i lay down with three pillows supporting me to keep the acid down and listened to some relaxation music on YouTube it helped:hugs:

Raverneko: you're definitely not the only one, the tightness of the throat was making me panic i thought my throat was closing up, but the antacids took their bloody time but eventually it subsided :hugs:

Seamus Ireland: Weetabix and a glass of pure OJ, you're take on this is great, the g.p has cut me down to omeprazole 20mg when I was on 30mg of lansoprazole I prefer lansoprazole tbh, and I'll take your advice on board if it decides to strike again, my diet is good plus I don't drink alcohol or smoke. :hugs:

Sam: before I knew what caused it so much i was the same fizzy juice, takeaways, etc.. Now I'm done with all that and have been for a while, you're right btw :hugs:

Thanks everyone much appreciated

Petesy :bighug1:

14-09-14, 19:13
I would avoid orange juice as citric acid is one of the top things to avoid for acid reflux sufferers along with greasy fatty foods, fizzy pop, coffee & tomatoes.