View Full Version : hi! this is me!

13-09-14, 21:21
Hey everyone! My name is Heather and I am 21 years old. I have a daughter who will be two in december and a fiancé who is a paramedic. I am a stay at home mom who suffers from anxiety, panic attacks, mild depression and IBS. All of this began about eight months after I had my daughter and hasn't gotten any better since. Of course I have my days but the more worrying I do the worse it gets and the crazier I become to the people around me. With my fiancé being a paramedic it's a good and a bad thing. He tries his best to help but like most people he just doesn't understand where I'm coming from when I say something hurts or he doesn't understand why I worry 24/7. I come here in hopes to meet people who better understand me and will help me through the rough times that other people look at me like i'm insane! :yes yes:

Thanks all!

13-09-14, 21:58
Hi Heather
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

14-09-14, 01:23
HI----I know the pain. I am feeling better at the moment, but the anxiety has been coming back. I am totally aware of what people think of me. In that sense, I know I am not crazy. But the anxiety is painful and sometimes paralyzes me. I know it is ridiculous, yet I cannot stop it.

I think that the since I signed up here it has helped. Just talking. Just writing it down. I feel better.......for now. And listening to others. I am not alone. You are not alone.

14-09-14, 01:54
Thanks so much! That's so encouraging and hoping to find help from people like y'all who understand!

14-09-14, 06:44
Welcome to NMP, I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.

14-09-14, 10:47
Hi, I know what your going through and your right it is defo not a nice experience, I proberly suffered from anxiety for years but it was only a couple of years ago that I was officially diagnosed because I had to go to the gp as I was sure there was something terrible wrong with me. I've been on Meds and have cbt which helped a lot, but still my anxiety appears if my life gets to hectic. You have to accept that you will have good and bad days and things will improve. I personally try and do things like walking the dog and once I've done this I praise myself. What you have to remember is your not crazy, this is something that just happens and you have to learn how to cope the best you can with it. People who haven't suffered don't always understand the physical symptoms and that can make you feel worse, but don't. Concentrate on yourself and making you feel better. This site helped a lot as it made me realise that there are people out there who do understand. Hope you begin to feel better soon. Xx

16-09-14, 08:35
Hi Heather, have a hug. Just wanted to say I know what you're going through. I have a three y/o daughter and all my worrying became so much more heightened after she was born. Hope you get some proper support. I found counselling and Cbt worked well for me.
Sal x